What kind is this viburnum ?

Dahlonega, GA

I've had this one for fifteen years or more and had cut it back , was going to wrap with chain and pull it up ,because it never was pretty . I wanted to replace it with a black lace elderberry . After V V telling me I needed a Shasta or Shoshoni to pollinate my Mariessi , and not finding one big enough to bloom next year , I thought maybe I already have something that will work . There isn't much here to I D but left it alone till there were a few leafs and a tiny bloom. Do I need to go ahead and junk it or keep it for a pollinator . A closeup of the leaves next . Thanks for the help . digger

Thumbnail by digger9083
Dahlonega, GA

The leaves . Hope this is enough to help .

Thumbnail by digger9083
Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

That's enough information to tell that this won't pollinate your 'Mariesii'.

I think you have either Viburnum lantana 'Mohican', or Viburnum x rhytidophylloides 'Alleghany' which has 'Mohican' in its parentage. If the leaf has a coarse rough feel to it, then it is pretty surely one of these as they are both very commonly available landscape shrubs.

Pretty is in the eye of the beholder, of course. Sometimes, you just need to be around to pollinate - not look good.

If you were able to find a 'Shasta' or 'Shoshoni' as small as 3G pots, they'd bloom next year. I've got plants that small blooming right now.

Dahlonega, GA

Do you know where I can find a shasta online that size ? I haven't been able to find one local . That one I cut back never had many leaves ,and scrawny , sparse blooms .It was given to me by a dear friend , a landscaper , but he passed away a few years ago . Gave me a lot of his leftover plants . I'll make some more calls in the meantime .Don't mind traveling 50 or so miles to pick it up . Thanks ,looks like the sambucus it will be, in that spot.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

I don't buy plants online, so I'll be no help there - other than to suggest checking through Garden Watch Dog and/or the PlantFiles listing for Doublefile Viburnum where they'll list firms that sell these plants.

Classic Viburnums is a good source, but they are way out in Nebraska. I find it really hard to believe that you cannot find a Doublefile Viburnum right there in Georgia, with little burgs like Atlanta and Athens nearby. This species ought to be available at every big box store, as well as supermarkets that sell plants.

Keep up the hunt.

Dahlonega, GA

Believe it , H D at four stores , Lowes , at two , and three nurseries , so far. I'll keep looking . Most all my plants are from E-bay . So far , all but one have been ok . I'm looking at a three footer now and the seller has a 100% rating . The only thing I see that I don't like , is his no return policy . Will continue to shop . Thanks again , I know I've been lucky .

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

IS this the shasta your looking for???
Forest Farm and Lazy S&S have it both great companies

Dahlonega, GA

Yes , that's it , but I did find one at a local nursery . They have a three gallon size for 39.95 and it would be my best deal , because of size and overall shipping . Also I get instant gratification . It's a big , beautiful plant . Thanks for all the help .

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