How's the coloring of your Miracle?

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi everyone.. Well, in the past I haven't been especially thrilled with the coloring of Miracle. I had 3 and lost one. Here's the two I have left. They were planted 9/08 as 1st year plants. They're planted in a fairly sunny spot and endure little watering during the summer. I think they have nice color coming out of winter and am really liking them now. We'll see how the color goes once the weather warms.

Thumbnail by medinac
Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

Woops, realized I sent the wrong picture after clicking send. Here's the two together.

Thumbnail by medinac
Athens, PA

I put mine in 2 years ago too and this seems to be the first time where I have seen any real color on mine. I have 2 and they are in part shade.

Thumbnail by Carolyn22
Lake Stevens, WA

I have one and it has very nice color this spring also. Put it in late Spring 2009 so this my first season. I have it in part shade. Need to find out how to post pictures. Just have not had time and planting season is here so it will have to wait.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

springcolor - here's the thread for testing purposes. It's where you can practice on how to post a photo when you have time:

Lake Stevens, WA

thanks for the info.

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

Hi Carolyn - Now look how much more chartreuse yours is than mine. It's nice to finally have color to it though huh? My Tiramisu looks more like yours but Miracle and Tiramisu both started out the same color - my Tiramisu is in part shade (early morning sun - then some shade - then late afternoon sun).

Spring - When you get a chance to practice and post a picture, I'd love to see it. You're so right, there is just so much to do right now!

Athens, PA


The picture I have posted is of the Miracle in my side yard - I bought it in a co op a couple of years ago and this one was always more on the yellow side. The one in my back yard, I bought as a larger plant and that one was always more green - to the point where I wondered if one was Miracle and one was Tiramisu. Not really sure how to tell the difference, however, both are looking more like the same type of plant. I will have to find a picture of the one in the backyard to post so you can see.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Dumb question of the morning: how much sun/shade will it take for this Miracle to remain as I bought it last week?

Thumbnail by pirl
Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

Ooooo I like that color too just as it is too, VERY nice! My vote is for more shade, but of course that's just a guess based on the fact mine is in mostly sun.

Carolyn - I thought I could tell the difference between Tiramisu and Miracle based on the leaf shape but then I looked at my old picture of them together when I was growing them from tiny babies and I couldn't tell which was which, so I'm of no help with that! My memory says that Miracle has more pointed leaves and Tiramisu more rounded lobes...

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the suggestion, medinac. I just came in on break and was about to go out and plant it in sunshine so you saved the day and the plant. I appreciate it.

Athens, PA

Cheryl - I have to check to see what shape leaves I have on mine...

Arlene - that one is gorgeous!

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I loved the coloring on the leaves, Carolyn. Let's hope I can retain it. If not I will move it.

Kimmell, IN

I bought Tiramisu today and the leaves are more rounded than the ones in the pictures.

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

I love Tiramisu. I'm waiting for Home Depot to stock them and I want 3 more. The deer really chomped on my others and now they look like babies.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Here the deer only eat the flowers and most of the time they leave the flowers alone and eat the roses instead. I'm grateful they don't eat the heuchera leaves.

Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

pirl - The deer chowed on them this past fall/early winter. Last Spring, that's when they ate all the buds off the roses so I can sympathize with you there! I was sooo mad until I came home one day and found a deer with her little fawn on our lot next door. The fawn was romping and frolicking and it was so cute I couldn't be mad. Guess mom needed the extra nutrients (or so I'm rationalizing in my head)... They culled the herd in the forest preserve this past winter, so far this Spring they haven't been eating anything. And you're right, I wouldn't mind at all if they'd just eat the flowers but eating the leaves really gets me. They really ate them down to nothing - just the stems were sticking out all over! It's all new growth now. I have 5 Caramel that are closer to the house that weren't convenient for them to get to and they left those alone. Those are just beautiful this year as they're kind of in a protected place.

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

Your Miracles have nice color on them....mine is pretty washed out right now.

Thumbnail by goldfinch4
Bensenville, IL(Zone 5a)

Yours still looks great for the most part, just a little around the edges are washing out. Maybe it's the rain? I think you've been getting much more than we've been. This is the first week it's been really rainy here. Love your tags. One day I'll get around to that. Oh, I just had an idea... maybe I can get my daughter to do that for me. She likes doing that stuff.

Ripon, WI(Zone 4a)

We have been getting lots of rain the last few weeks so maybe that is the problem. Up til now its been really dry though so I won't complain.

I just got a Brother label maker from my DH for my birthday and I love it! I've been having so much fun making plant tags! I had hand-written ones before and these just look so much nicer.

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