When to transplant

Medina, OH

Last year I purchased two small Clems for my Mother. They made it through the winter just fine. Suddenly we had to move Mother and I am wondering about transplanting the Clems here at home. We are in zone 5. I may be able to leave them there until the Fall, but would like to do it now if I can. Help please!
Thanx. Susan

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

If I was going to do it. I would get as much extra dirt from all around as to not disturb any of the roots. It might wind up being a big ball. Also be care full of any growth, protect it from breakage.

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

I would move them on the soonest, overcast, cool day that comes along. I have found the best time to plant or move a clem is in March-April. Get as big a root ball as possible and wrap the upper growth in paper or something to keep it together and safe. Have the hole where you are moving them to already dug and soaked with water. Do not fertilize them. Plant them and water them good and wait. They will do fine.

Medina, OH

Thank you all for your help. I have dug them up and they are doing well in a large container. Thought I could try them in various places before I actually plant them (more than likely in the fall). Am keeping them moist and in partial sun until they survive the shock and start to grow again. I have high hopes and will let you know how things work out. S.

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