Wanted: Cosmos

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

I'm desperately looking for all kinds of cosmos seeds >>except<< these:

Cosmos bipinnatus: Sensation, Sea Shells,

Cosmos sulphureus: Ladybird

I'm a real fan of cosmos, I also got a chocolate one.

Also non-hybridized species would be nice, and others than the common 2 species.


You can send me email here: http://www.kolumbus.fi/evert.nylund/email.htm

This message was edited Monday, Oct 1st 2:58 PM

This message was edited Wednesday, Oct 3rd 6:37 AM

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

Evert, I have them all.

I also have a new Coreopsis that has it's petals curled just like Cosmos 'Seashells'.

I'll try and get them in the post as soon as I can.


Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

I have just found the coreopsis packet and they are called Coreopsis 'Seashells'

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Oh, thanks.. :) Would you like something from me? And do you mean you have others than those varieties than those, because I already have those ladybirds and seashells... ?

The coreopsis sounds nice, is it perennial?

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

sorry in my haste I read it wrong.

they have already gone in the post so you can do what you want with the extra seeds.

the coreopsis 'seashells' are half hardy annuals.


100 lines - I must read posts more carefully, I must read posts more carefully, I must read posts more carefully, ....................

Helsinki, Finland(Zone 4b)

Oh, anyway, I will like them. I really like cosmos, and will have many cosmos next year.... Will send photos here then. Now just wait 8 months ;)

Campinas, Brazil(Zone 9b)

I have Cosmos Sulphureus Millenium.

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