Need recommendations for vase shaped sidewalk tree

Westbrook, CT(Zone 6a)

This winter, a speeding snowplow driver threw a massive load of sleet at a young crabapple I had planted in the strip between our sidewalk and the street, snapping its stake and the tree itself off at its base. I would like to replace it, but need a vase-shaped upright tree so that the branches are either above 7 ft, or else angle upwards and do not stick out over the road or the sidewalk where they can be hit. Actually, I'm not too upset with the plow driver, since the 'Sugar Tyme' crab was already showing signs of low branching.

Our local nursery doesn't get it's order of crabs in until next week (I don't understand that, my other crabs are flowering already), but I could do with some recommendations for any upright or vase shaped cultivars.

The nursery did have some Prunus Kwanzan and Thundercloud which did look as though the branches had a suitable vase shape. If anyone has one of these, could they confirm that? (The Kwanzan looks doable, the Thundercloud may get too big.)

Whatever I put in, it will have better staking to protect it from overzealous municipal employees!

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Prunus serrulata 'Amanogawa' is strongly upright and perfect for boulevard planting.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

As are several selections of Syringa reticulata, including 'Ivory Silk' and 'Ivory Tower'.

Another tough tree that provides even earlier spring bloom than the various Rosaceae mentioned...

Cornus mas 'Golden Glory'

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

If it's not only Prunus, then maybe Parrotia persica 'Vanessa' (below). There's also several cultivars of Beech (Fagus) that are strongly columnar.

Thumbnail by growin
Saint Louis, MO(Zone 6a)

Or a fastigiate hornbeam. Or zelkovas also make good vase-shaped street trees.

Waterman, IL(Zone 5a)

I have a Kwanzan in my yard. I've never had to trim any lower branches. It's definitely vase shaped.
It's about 15 years old. I love the flowers. They (flowers) are bigger than other ornamental cherries and hang in clusters. I'm only sorry I planted it in such a shady, out-of-the-way spot. I don't get over there very much.

Thumbnail by pastime
Waterman, IL(Zone 5a)

Here's a picture of the flowers.

Thumbnail by pastime

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