Worms...Can Starbucks coffee grounds make good compost?

Savannah, GA

Starbucks gives away all the coffee grounds that a person can take to recycle, at no cost of course. Right now I've got about 20+ lbs waiting in a storage space. It works marvelously as a soil additive. But has anyone ever fed coffee grounds to your red worms? If so, were you pleased with the result? I don't know if I should put them on a 100% coffee ground diet, but I'd like to give it a try. I might experiment with this idea on a small scale and as long as it doesn't kill them, or give them insomnia I'll expand to their hommies. Smile. A comments?

Thumbnail by Mrdonald1

Hi there-you probably have found this out by now, but yes, worms do love coffee grounds! There are a couple of threads in this section about how worms just go crazy over the stuff. I don't know if you can over do it, but I doubt it. I hope you've had great success, sorry no one wrote sooner!

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

The only caveat I'd offer about coffee grounds is that they can pack in pretty tight, and start composting (decomposing) on their own, generating heat. So yeah, probably not 100% coffee grounds, but sure great mixed with newspaper or whatever else you use.

Wake Forest, NC(Zone 7b)

The Starbucks I go to is often out of grounds when I get there, usually shortly after Noon. I keep asking and occasionally hit it right but there must be a lot of composters around here!

You might try any of the local gas station mini marts- Circle K, AM-PM, even donut shops or a local cafe, wherever they sell lots of coffee in the mornings. They don't even have to separate out their trash, all the paper products will decompose too. But you may be able to get them to separate it for you, too.
Good luck,

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