Traveler's Palm Bug ATTACK: to prune or not to prune?

Merida, Centro, Mexico(Zone 11)

Some months ago, I was searching for a pair of Traveler's Palms to put at the end of my garden/back yard. I found an almost identical pair but, before buying them, I failed Newbie 101 by not checking for obvious things like mealy bugs or scale, known pests of these semi-palms. (See attached recent photos showing bugs and leaves post spraying with Ortho's house & garden spray with its educational label splattered with bug shots.)

So I bought the semi-palms but failed again by not wind-testing them in various parts of the yard before digging a couple of holes and planting them.

Being leery of making a third major error, and chopping off some vital part that I think might be too buggy, I'm turning to y'all for help.

First, my apologies, I'm imposing on folks' helpful nature by posting two more photos. One is another bug close up showing the damage, or what I think the damage from the combination of mealy bugs and the Ortho spray. The other shows the current condition of the pair. Leaves on both plants are rapidly deteriorating but the leaves on the far left are nearly dead.

Second, my questions. Can I chop off the damaged and now drying leaves (fronds?) that are oldest, i.e. closest to the ground and in the worst shape? If I did so and removed three palm fronds on each side, I'd be left with three or four in the center of each plant. That pruning would leave them completely unprotected. The winds have really been ripping through the trees and plants back there. I know I once knew this but do winds change directions with the seasons?

The palms are planted in the east, according to my map, any suggestions for protection or for a better direction to move them?

Thanks in advance, you guys are always so helpful!

Thumbnail by bbode
Merida, Centro, Mexico(Zone 11)

Attached is another example of what's eating my Traveler's Palms. I think they are mealy bugs but I'm certainly no expert.

Thumbnail by bbode
Merida, Centro, Mexico(Zone 11)

My final photo is of the pair a few days ago.

Leaves on the far left side (north) is in the worst shape but it feels as though the winds are coming from the Southeast. The leaves seem to rip most easily where there are these strips of white bugs...about an inch long.

Thanks for suggestions and advice.

Thumbnail by bbode
Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha bbode,

I don't have a travelers palm myself but there are lots of them in my area. Seems as if most are planted right against a tall building to shelter them from the winds, and I believe they like quite a bit of water too. Maybe they are getting attacked by bugs because they are stressed from either the wind or dry soil?

I don't know the answer to your bug problem, but for mealy bugs (and wooly aphids and white fly in my case) I spray with soapy water mixed with a little corn oil and it seems to do the trick after spraying two or three times a few days apart - I spray in the evening, not sure why, but I feel that oil and the sun probably might burn the plant. I surely feel for you, I hate those little beasts! I am sure someone who is much more knowledgeable than I will be able to give you advice about being able to take a few of the outer leaves off, my guess is that you can, as long as you don't touch the center growing point, but I hasten to say I am no expert!

I will be watching with interest to see how you solve your problem - best of luck!


Merida, Centro, Mexico(Zone 11)

Thanks, Jenn. I've just done it! Pruned that semi-not-quite-Palm pair. Taking responsibility for, if nothing else, wasting my time and money.

It was too dark for a decent shot. I'll post one tomorrow. For the time being, the photo below is the way we were.

Thanks for encouraging me, even while I was admitting that I did not know what I was doing. I must say, however, I have a feeling the pair will ultimately flourish.

You all are in the loop. Many thanks,


Thumbnail by bbode

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