Golden Raintree infestation

Jacksonville, FL

Anyone know the name of the red bugs that invade Golden Raintrees and how they may be eliminated. They started on the lower trunk and have since moved into the lawn and if not stopped soon into my home. Thanks Jerry

Beautiful, BC(Zone 8b)

Contact the Extension office for clear advice:

Jacksonville, FL

I did, didn,t help.

Jacksonville, FL

My pest control company says the bug in question is called the Jadera bug.

Lecanto, FL(Zone 9a)

I've only had these bugs for the last 2 years. The raintrees I've had forever. They seem to like it under dead things. Branches, leaves...

Jacksonville, FL

Wormfood like you I,ve had the raintree for years something like 10-15 without a problem then this year one day I looked up and the tree, lawn, walkway, driveway, outside walls of my house were a sea of red,my pest control company treated the area this morning and so far so good.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

If you can get a picture of the bugs and post them in the Insect & Spider ID forum I bet someone will recognize them.

Jacksonville, FL

Unable to post pictures however if you google jadera bug you can find some along with good information.

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