Looking to trade for tomato and pepper seeds!

Turner, OR

Hi all, my kids and I have decided to start collecting peppers and tomatoes to grow for our selfs and the people that live in the retirement community near us! We are looking for all varieties and would be willing to trade for anything off of my have list!
Marie and Kids!

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Hello Marie and Kids,

Here you can see the peppers I have http://seedsite.eu/c__e.htm
And here the tomatoes http://seedsite.eu/r__t_3.htm

If you're interested, I would like seeds of:

Bletilla striata
Delphinium vestitum
Liatris scariosa
Liatris scariosa

Kind regards,

Turner, OR

Oh yay! I would love any of the tomatoes and peppers that you can spare! We are hopefully going to fill a 40x40 area! I can send you some of everything listed! The bletilla striata is going to be a tuber! I just bought them so they are ready to go! Again thank you for helping us and if you send me your addy I will get them right out!

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Marie, I sent you d-mail

Turner, OR

Got it thanks!

Akron, OH(Zone 5a)

Hey Marie, I have lots of very sweet and juicy red peppers, LMK if interested.

Turner, OR

Yes I would love some

Carmel, IN(Zone 5b)

I have lots of tomato seeds, including a duplicate order someone sent me (and told me to keep). Would be happy to send them to you for your project.
Tomato Thessaloniki
Tomato Chocolate Cherry
Tomato Black Pear

Let me know if you can use them--are you in the address exchange?

Turner, OR

Thanks, we would love them! would you like anything in trade?my addy is
marie palmer
7905 2nd st
turner, or 97392

Orlando, FL

Do you still need seeds? I have several kinds of tomatoes. Like yellow pear,red pear, I think I still have black from tulsa...I could make a list. I also have a golden bell pepper, no name, but really good. I may have some heirloom lettuces too. Let me know.

Turner, OR

Oh yes, Thanks. please let me know if you would like something from me!!

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

iijjz, I got alot of tomato seeds in trades and as gifts. I've got over 50 tomato plants growing now so have seeds left for you.
I have:
Tomato Pole - speckled Roman
Bi color Cherry 10 seeds
Super Snow White 4 seeds
Isis Candy 5 seeds
Purple Russian 5 seeds
Royal Hillbilly 4 seeds
Black Cherry 10 seeds
Green Zebra 10 seeds
Tomato grushovka Pink Plums, very early 10 seeds
Amana Orange 5 seeds
Matt's Wild Cherry 5 seeds
Beefsteak tomato10 seeds
Pink Climber 5 seeds
Toamto - fresh salsa 5 seeds
Indy VFSTT 5 seeds
Sundrop 5 seeds
Green Grape 5 seeds
Golden Beauty 4 seeds
Gardener's delight 4 seeds
sugar Sweetie Cherry 5 seeds
Tomato Bush 'Ace' 10 seeds
Tomato Sheyenne 5 seeds

I've listed how many seeds I have left or can part with. If you want any let me know and I can put the in the mail tomorrow or Friday.

Turner, OR

Oh thank you!! Were not picky! If you could just send what you can part with we will put them to good use! Our small project has really grown, but that is a great thing!!!
Marie and kids!

Ames, NE(Zone 5b)

You have a big bunch coming


Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

You got it Marie. I'll get them out in the mail in the next couple of days.
Good luck

Turner, OR

Thank you all!!!

Mount Vernon, OH

I sent a d mail but didn't get an answer. Wondering if you got my seeds, delivery confirmation said you did. And if my trade was on the way to me?

Turner, OR

hry trish, you should of recieved them but if not let me know and I will resend!

Mount Vernon, OH

nope, I never received the trade in the mail.

Turner, OR

Please dmail me your addy again and I will resend today!!!!!!!!

(Zone 7a)

Will you resend mine too?? LOL I'm cracking up here..

Nooo seriously..if you need an address just go to the dmail between you and a certain person and retrieve it. Also a good idea would be to use delivery confirmation on your Bubble envelopes so there's no discretion on if your recipient has received their end. Including if it was actually ever mailed in the first place ;-)

Turner, OR

I will mail monday

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Did you find the confirmation number from the post office?
I see there are others who didn't receive their trade. Maybe you packed the seeds but forgot to post some of them? Might be still in your hand case or in your car?

Mount Vernon, OH

I received my trade yesterday, thank you Marie.

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