Goose Baby Drama

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Sorry for the title, but I am hyperventilating right now.
Went out to check on babies and the momma goose has left the nest. I managed to pull 3 dead babies out of there, and then I noticed this one egg still there. She has not been back in the nest sor 2 hours so I did what I thought was the best thing to do (What do I really know)
I grabbed the egg, I could see the baby moving and chirping and Momma did not care.

Thumbnail by MissJestr
Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

So in the house I ran with Billy in tow...

Thumbnail by MissJestr
Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

I gently used my finger to break more of the egg open to this stage... Baby is chirping and breathing ok, put a little water in the bottom of the tank lined with paper towel. Cant put it in the bator cause it it full of turning eggs.

Thumbnail by MissJestr
Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

This is where I stopped. The baby is moving its head, not panting yet....
Some of the film is really dry around it, some is still pliable...
Now what do I do other than wait??

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

You might want to try to keep the membrane (film) moist. Put water on your finger and gently put it on the membrane, or put a piece of damp paper towel around it.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Yup, I agree with Loreen - using water on your finger, or a q-tip or something that you can touch to that membrane and get it softened would be best. If it's properly "wet" membrane, it should not be see-through like that part on the side - it should be white-ish color. When it's drying, it gets more see-through. You are doing all the right things! Hang in there and keep an eye on it from time to time. GREAT JOB on being Mother Goose!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Hang in there little baby geese! I'm rooting for you! {{{{{MissJestr}}}}

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Ok after a few frantic conversations with WONDERFUL PEEPS on here, and Teresa who came by, ( I guess I was desperate) this is the result.

We wet the membrane around with a qtip and water and slowley pealed it back so Pendleton is not stuck anymore. We stopped when we saw what was left of the yolk. Its little leg was kicking out and so trying to help.

The young lady in the picture is Miss Baylee. Many of you may know her from the Gymkana pictures, riding with Billy, and well Billy calls her his girlfriend. She is a cowgirl and very active in 4 H with projects ranging from Pigs, chickens and rabbits.

Thumbnail by MissJestr
Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

This is where we stopped

Thumbnail by MissJestr
Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

This is Pendleton now. There is a washcloth that is soaked with water, I am taking it out when it is the least bit dry and re soaking it, I wrapped the baby cause I found a red heat lamp and do not want to burn it, so the heat lamp is warming the towel that is around it, I keep checking so it does not get to hot. The 100 watt was not warm enough to get to the bottom of the tank, I keep talking to Pendleton and it keeps looking at me, I keep asking it to fight and get strong and come out to play

Thumbnail by MissJestr
Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Pendleton is moving and chirping and looking at me... I get rewarded with a leg flip or a wing movement when I talk to it... OH I am so in love with this one...

Richmond, TX

Come on Pendleton!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I thought Pendleton was a Bear?

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

PENDLETON IS OUT OF THE EGG...WHOOO HOOOO... He or She pushed her self out of the rest of the egg and is laying out right now next to the wash cloth and under the cover of the washcloth so the red light does not burn it... In a few hours when dry and moving, I will swap out the light for a 100 watt,
as not to get burnt.. WHOOO HOOO over one hurdle, have 24 more hours of wondering,.

PS.. Pendleton is a Cowboy Whiskey that if it was after 5pm I would be doing a shot...

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

WHOOO WHOOO welcome Pendleton ^_^

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Just saw this. Rooting for this baby!!

Lodi, United States

I'm exhausted from reading this....

Paddington is a bear. From darkest Peru.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Anyone know how long it will take for Pendleton to stand up? I am getting conserned now, P is laying in the same spot that it landed when it came out of the shell...

Lodi, United States

Chicks can lie in one spot for quite a long time, especially after a difficult hatch. They really need to rest. Did he totally absorb the yolk?

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

I inspected the egg and on the bottom where I did not touch is a small strip of blood. It is no where near any peice I broke, and I have yet to see Pendleton stand up...

Lodi, United States

A little blood is not unusual when a chick hatches. Just keep him warm and let him rest.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

It looks like a little is stilloutside the belly spot where it was I will see if I cant get a picture of it.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

here is the spot

Thumbnail by MissJestr
Lodi, United States

That is not too bad...just keep him warm on a clean paper towel and let him is all you can do.

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

You've done a super job Roseane! I'm so proud of you!! Way to go! You're our goose hatching expert now!

Catsy - Paddington has long been one of my secret idols. I have always been very enamoured with him.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I KNEW there was Paddington/Pendelton bear. I think it was my silverly aura that made me think of Paddington in a time when Pendleton needs some bear strength to honk into the world. O DUH! Shuuush Dahlianut! Pendelton is napping! Miss Jestr I will wait til you say that it's ok to honk.

edit: to take out a really loud HONK that I made

This message was edited Apr 23, 2010 6:58 PM

Lodi, United States

Gruff, ethical and adventurous....with a hint of mystery....Higgins alter ego?

Did you hear that in 2007 Paddington made the switch to.......Marmite?

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Congrats MsJestr! Don't worry if it doesn't get up for a while.. The yolk will feed it for 24 hours. My lavender roo didn't get up for 3 days! I thought he was gonna die.. Just too big and fat.. LOL

I hope everything is okay. :)

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

ewwww....just had a "taste vision" of marmalade and marmite together....ewwww....

Clarkson, KY


((Dahls Dahling -I planted 3 octopi in my garden in your honor))

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

24+ hours later...
I got up late this morning, 6am and hit the floor running... Pendleton was still alive, not moving, but still hanging in there. I got everyone fed and we took off, today was Jr Rodeo in Peach Springs... I decided that if Pendleton was still alive when I got home I would try and give it (Still unsure of the gender) some electrolytes I had for cattle and swine. Still had not seen it stand up, and was still having issues holding its head. Although laying sideways it could sure scoot around the tank. So when we got home, I mixed up some drink, and using a syringe for Billy's cough medicine (Really Clean) I pried the beak open with my fingernails...

Now let me say something, I have always loved and thanked my mother for strong wonderful nails... I use to have them painted and fancy, but these days I am lucky if they are all the same length. If I break one, I cut them all off and go on with life... I cant tell you the last time they were manicured and painted...

So prying open the beak, I got some in it, and prayed it would stay down.. I positioned it back into the tank with its head propped up on a towel that has been in there since birth... Then a few hours later, I figured I would mix some chick starter with the electrolyte and try feeding it. I tried a spoon, ended up wearing it all, So I packed some in my fingernail and opened beak, and it started eating out of my nail. Not alot but some. Pendleton was tired, and so I cleaned it off and let it rest next to my heart till I needed to feed the kid...

As we were eating supper, I saw Pendleton stand up and take 2 wobbly steps.. I watched in wonder as although they were not perfect, it was 2 steps. It make me cry...

As I type this, it stood up again held its head up and pepped at me... and can almost turn a full circle...and fall back down... A big step from yesterday...

A friend called and I said I cant give up, she said I dont expect you to, you are not out anything so you have nothing to loose and everything to gain..

PS Pendleton is both a whiskey and a Rodeo I will someday visit...

and a baby goose that I will treasure forever for giving me this experience...

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Oh Roseane, your words made me cry too. What an angel you are for that little goose. I so hope that Pendleton will have a long life ahead...

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

I have had some Awesome teachers here on DG.. Friendships I will treasure forever...

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

There is poop in the bottom of the tank, Pendleton is still hanging in there. Gave some more electrolytes this am, and will make mush when I have coffee. Although I did put some dry starter on the bottom of the tank...

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Awww MsJestr that is so sweet! Try some egg yolk water.. or just feed and water.. sounds like it just needs a little "jump start" I wish you all the luck in the world.. I woke up and couldn't wait to find this thread and see if lil Pendelton is okay.
I hand fed a lil pullet for 5 days and several times thought I shouldn't be messing with Mother Nature, but I couldn't just quit.
The lil hen was a little "slow" when she grew up, but talk about a sweetie!
Remember Dolly Catsy? LOL AND Golly.. Although Golly wasn't "slow" after she matured.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

I have wondered the same ZZ, peeps please don't get mad at me, but I was thinking I am not sure if I know what I am doing, what if I hurt Pendleton more? I am rewarded with little steps and that is what keeps me going. BIlly cracks me up, last night we were trying to feed it, and he kept saying Open your mouth here comes the airplane. Kitty (A rescue cat) came up and was sitting on my lap while I had pendleton on it and nuzzled it never trying to attack it. Pendleton can hold its head up, still falls over and I have to turn it back on its feet, but I cant give up. This morning I swear it drank water when I put its beek in the bowl, I have put in there, and I also loaded it with rocks so in case it falls down it wont drown. I will need that tank in a week or so for hatching, so I am thinking I better find another tank just in case... Right now as I look over in the tank, it is standing up and moved a quarter turn and laid back down.

I will try some yolk water, how do I make it??

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

I was looking up egg yolk and it says the freshest ones come from eggs that were not put in the fridge, so am waiting on my girls to lay me an egg, that would be the freshest..

Oxford, NS(Zone 5b)

Yolk water = cooked egg yolk mashed with water to make a sort of soupy paste. Not raw yolk.

Lodi, United States

I found finely ground oatmeal mixed with watery electrolytes helped with chicks...

Lodi, United States

MissJestr, I found this forum discussing sick doesn't sound like your problem, but there are some interesting facts about force feeding them....I hadn't realised that medicated chick starter could kill them and that they need waterfowl starter. Also what one woman does to help a sick gosling and to be careful when giving them food/water....

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