Clematis starting in Georgia

Richmond Hill, GA

Here are a few pictures from today.
H. F. Young

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA

Bees Jubilee

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA

Ernest Markham

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA


Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA

Another Josephine

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA

Crystal Fountain

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA

Doctor Ruppel

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA

Hoshi no Flamenco

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA


Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA

Blue Ravine with Doctor Ruppel

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA

Mrs. Yuki

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA

The President

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA

Mystery Clematis, planted last year and didn't write down what I planted. any guesses?

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Richmond Hill, GA

Another Crystal Fountain

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Wow! All of your Clematis are so beautiful! There is not a picture of Mrs. Yuki in plantfiles. Have you submitted yours?

I bought Mrs. Yuki last year, so have not seen her flower yet. Thank you for sharing your pictures :)


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

They are all gorgeous but the last Crystal Fountain must be on steroids - it's fantastic.

Louisville, KY

Very beautiful indeed

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

Great Pictures!! really enjoyed them.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Gorgeous Clems..I am stumped over that one...Jeanne

Richmond Hill, GA

Jeanne, Me too, what did I buy. grrrrrrr. I hate not having a memory.

Albert Lea, MN(Zone 4b)

Very lovely! Thanks for posting!

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Is this your mystery clematis? 'Lanuginosa Candida'


Richmond Hill, GA

Ants, No but good guess, Mine is the palest shade of blue. I need to look over my invoices since I didn't record it in my journal. Also, they could have sent me the wrong clematis. Who knows at this point.

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

'Ice Blue' ? :)


Richmond Hill, GA

Ants, You may be on to something. Seems like I remember ordering Ice Blue from Donahues. I'm going home to check tags I've saved and to look at my old invoices.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

By Jove..I think Ants nailed it ...does look like Clematis "Ice Blue"

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Cool :) Let me know if it is the right one :)


Buckley, WA(Zone 7b)

How old is Crystal Fountain? Is that one plant? OMG, your Clems are so pretty. I can't wait for mine to bloom so I can post pictures, but mine are still little. I have Nelly Moser in a pot, is that wrong for her?

Cartersville, GA

How I have enjoyed your blooms! Thank you for sharing them with us. I have 2 Nelly Mosers and an unknown that looks a lot like Asao blooming.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

How old is Nelly and why is she potted? Have you not yet decided where to plant her?

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

I also have Nelly Moser in a pot. I think 3 years now. Thinking about putting her in the ground because she is growing like crazy now. Guess I need to wait until she is done blooming before I can move her though?

I put 3 in another pot because I was wanting to try something with them this year, but then changed my mind when I read how much water they can drink. So, I moved one of them & am going to go ahead with my experiment. I also got the 3 mixed up, so don't know which is which until they bloom :)


Richmond Hill, GA

Lynn, Crystal Fountain was planted in March 2008, two years in the ground. One plant only. I can tell you this is my "honey spot". Everything I have ever planted there grows like crazy. I removed two climbers from that space last fall because in just two years they were out of control. Growing into the eves of the house. I did do something different with Crystal this year. A vine of her had grown and fell to the ground. Somehow it was left there and I noticed this spring that 9 or ten new growths emerged from just this one vine. I never have seen that before but it worked. I have bricked down scrubs before like hydrangeas to root and start new plants but I've never seen this work in a clematis. Jeanne, have you ever heard of this?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

How coincidental, Arlene, because I just found a stem of Duchess of Albany on the ground and pinned it down in two places. Let's hope they all grow.

Richmond Hill, GA

Ant, I looked at all my tags and records tonight and could not find where I had ever ordered Ice Blue but after looking at Jeanne's link and yours I'm pretty sure this is what I have. I have a few more records to look for tomorrow. I placed a order with Donahue's two years ago and I know I planted this clematis last fall after it was in a pot for a year. I think i must of received it by mistake but it's a nice mistake.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Gardeners luck,they are nice clems

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Arlene - one of my favorite clem's had the wrong label. It said 'Tateshina' on the label but it is 'Liberation' and I love it. The fact that I found it at a local nursery at $2.99 at the end of a season, many years ago, makes it even nicer.


Thumbnail by pirl
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

love those bargins.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Arlene Asked:"Jeanne, have you ever heard of this?"
Yes Arlene..what you had happen is what alot of us clematis growers do called serpentine layering..I've done this on purpose and accidently when my garden guys bring in my new composted cowmanure and mulch manage to bury a vine and POOF..I have a new plant grow off of it..loves when that happens..for more info check out:
the easiest and fool proof of propagating clematis...Jeanne

Richmond Hill, GA

Few more.

Thumbnail by cattjovi
Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Good to see somebody else has the Westerplatte clematis besides me. I had made up my mind that if it didn't perform well this was gone. It started blooming last week and is beautiful. It's the 3rd. year for it..what's that old saying about perennials and their 3rd. year? I think I will keep "her!" Dr. Ruppel is blooming also but I didn't get them fed this March. Is it too late to feed them now while they are blooming? Or should I just wait until next March? I have my eye on The President, also Romana. My Comtesse de brouchard won't bloom until later on this summer. I didn't get them tied up when they first started growing this Spring, and they got away from me. Try never to let that happen again. I am thinking of once they die back to purchase a black wrought iron/metal trellis. Would love to be able to afford some of those from Walpole woodworks. The westerplatte looks so similar in color to the Niobe that I had at our former home. I think the Niobe has more of a velvelty looking petals.

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