different colored blooms on the same plant

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7b)

I got a "Nellie Moser" clematis last year at a big box store, and hadn't grown any clematis before. When I bought the plant, it had a very pale bloom... almost white with a hint of lavender. Then I looked on here and saw that 'Nellie' was bright pink. I thought maybe the plant was mis-labeled. I got maybe one or 2 more flowers last year, both pale. This year, I had one bloom open earlier than all the others, and it was the pale color I was expecting, but now 3 more have opened... and they are bright pink- like the Nellie Mosers in the photos here. I know the sun can fade them, but the other opened up light colored. I'm puzzled by this. Ideas?

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Blooms on a new clematis can be off in color,size and form till they mature..that is simply why yours looked different..When your plant matures to be 3-4 years old you'll see what I mean..the blooms seem to get larger and more vivid in colour...Jeanne

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks so much! Good to know.

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