What does my Twinflower really want?


I am Linnie W, and I am addicted to growing Pacific Northwest native plants.

Here I enclose a nice photo of my one thriving Twinflower vine (Linnaea borealis). It looks pretty good, and you might think I know what I'm doing here. But that is because I didn't include photos of the hundreds and hundreds (so it seems) of dead Twinflower plants. Sometimes they don't die, they just shrink to maybe two leaves... And how many times have I potted perfectly good starts, with tiny vibrant roots on them, and watched them perish in my greenhouse or otherwise?

Is there a formula for happy Twinflower? I know the bit about rotting logs, but they are not just everywhere... I love the plant, and its adorable little blooms. (I would include a bloom photo if I knew how to do that.) (Actually I may not have included any photo. Hard to tell.)

Hugs to all you wildflower enthusiasts.

Thumbnail by linniew
Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Hi linniew. I wonder how these do in the wild. Maybe only 1/2 of them naturally survive to maturity?

The only thing I can think that you might try is to add more decaying wood material to the soil. It may be that they can't survive in the soil they're in, which may be clay if your soil is like mine. They might need something lighter with more decaying material.

Hi Kathy
You are so right, the soil here is clay. But I have tried the twinflower in various mini-locales. They are definitely doing best beneath the trees in my woods garden. I'll check out the cubits site, thanks! I love posting photos. And I invite you to my web log, which I have after tremendous amounts of thought titled Women Who Run With Delphiniums (http://linniew.wordpress.com/).


This message was edited Apr 21, 2010 7:30 PM

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

Linnie - your blog looks great. I'll check it out.

Have you been to the Pacific Northwest Forum on DG? It's been quiet lately (everybody's probably out in the garden), but this is a great group of gals. We're all meeting up on Whidbey for the day on May 16 and you're invited!




I didn't KNOW there was a forum specific to PNW gardens-- Thanks!
And yes, this is the exciting time to be outside, even just between showers. The yellow columbine is blooming today.

I would love to make it to Whidbey to the gathering but I am afraid not this time. I have a gardening friend up that way though, and I will let her know!

So fun to hear back from you!


Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

Linnie, I also encourage you to join in the PNW forum. Fun bunch. I'm quite interested in natives myself, and am just now learning to identify what I have growing in my back woodlot. Once I actually figure out what is out there, I may have some plants to offer up.

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