CLOSED: Goji Berry

Dunmor, KY(Zone 6a)

I have about 20 Purple Petticoat Datura seeds that I would love to trade for Goji Berry seeds. If you have some Goji Berrys that you are interested in tradeing please let me know. I may also have other things to trade. Just let me know what you are looking for.

Mulberry, FL

I have some but don't need any datura. cool vine seed? Or orange jessmine seed

Dunmor, KY(Zone 6a)

I've never heard of Cool vine & dont have orange jassmine. Is there anything else you're looking for?

Forgot to mention I can take cuttings from Corkscrew Vine as well.

Mulberry, FL

LOL what i meant was a neat vine seed email me your address again and I will just send you what I did not plant :)

Thumbnail by Danasplants
Dunmor, KY(Zone 6a)

Quote from Danasplants :
LOL what i meant was a neat vine seed email me your address again and I will just send you what I did not plant :)

Oh lord. Guess you can tell I'm blond ☺ I was trying to think of a plant named Cool Vine. LOL! I'm going to blame it on lack of sleep. ( 2 sick kids so I slept setting up on the couch with there heads in my lap all night)

I'm PMing you now.

Tulsa, OK(Zone 7a)

Danasplants,do you happen to have some Goji berry seeds left?? would like to trade for some.

Mulberry, FL

Sorry hope there on there way to dixie

Dunmor, KY(Zone 6a)

Thanks Dana! I can now mark this as closed. Thanks again & if I ever have anything you want, just let me know.

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