No receipt, no problem

Sumter, SC

I started a thread a few weeks ago in which I lamented the fact that one of my washingtonias had died and I couldn't find my receipt from HD for store credit. A few days ago, I was purchasing a marginal plant at Lowe's in Florence, and told the cashier that I was going to be sure to save the receipt in case it died. He told me that even if I lost my receipt, I could still get a refund through a debit card and home telephone # search. I immediately rushed over to HD and explained to the employee at customer service my dilemma. She told me that HD did not retrieve lost receipts and I was out of luck. I wasn't convinced that she knew what she was talking about, so I rushed home and called HD customer service in Columbia. They transferred me to accounting in Florence, and the lady I spoke to there told me that they, too, could retrieve my info. Bottom line - I got a store credit and traded it for a huge promo pindo. Life is good!

Sumter, SC(Zone 8a)

very cool! it pays to be diligent

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

That is so good to know. Glad you had a great outcome.

Sumter, SC

Thanks. I just want folks to know that there is a remedy for lost receipts at these 2 big box stores. It takes a little of the sting out of losing expensive plants.

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