Penstemon 'Electric Blue'

Windsor, CA(Zone 9b)

Hola, I keep moving these 3 Penstemon 'Electric Blue' plants around trying to find the perfect space for each. I think I found it for one of them but have to keep digging for the other two. I have liked them ever since I saw them in a catalogue. Xuling

Thumbnail by xuling
Windsor, CA(Zone 9b)

I think that this one likes it where it is planted. Xuling

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Chalfont, PA(Zone 6b)

That is a beautiful penstemon. The color is just outstanding!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

sniff sniff........ I LOVE that plant. Having a tough time growing it by seed and i dont think it would be hardy here.

sure it a beauty.

Greeley, CO(Zone 5b)

Hey, Love that flower. I ordered one this year and am looking forward to seeing it bloom into the beautiful flower like yours.

TCS - I am in zone 5 and according to the catalog they will grow her just fine. I don't know about starting from seed though.

Windsor, CA(Zone 9b)

I don't know about seed either. don't do them. but my P 'Electric Blue' are a little persnickity about where they like to be planted, and I haven' really figured it out yet.

Jamaica Plain, MA(Zone 6a)

I bought one last year. It didn't do much, and hasn't come back. I'm hoping it's just a late starter, but I think it's gone.

Windsor, CA(Zone 9b)

Here are some more colorful pics pf the 'Electric Blue'

Thumbnail by xuling
Windsor, CA(Zone 9b)

two of four

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Windsor, CA(Zone 9b)

three of four

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Windsor, CA(Zone 9b)

last pic

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Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

X ... those are gorgeous!!

Greeley, CO(Zone 5b)

How tall are they? The catalog I ordered mine from said they would be 24-36" tall.

Windsor, CA(Zone 9b)

If I had planted them in the perfect spot in the first place they might be taller, but one is 20" to the very top of the tallest flower stalk; the bulk of the plant is about 12". And the other plant is 15" to the top and about 12" for the bulk of the plant. But at least they are blooming nicely. The third EB got buried in some huge invading plants, I think they may be some type of poppy, and when I discovered it the plant had lacked so much sun light it was quite small, but alive. Now that it is getting sun it is growing, but still small.

Greeley, CO(Zone 5b)

Wow, you lucked out on that one.
Are they in full sun in your garden?
Are they suppose to be in full sun?

Windsor, CA(Zone 9b)

The one growing best for me out of my three plants is growing in full sun. Xuling

Greeley, CO(Zone 5b)

Thanks, that was my plan for mine. I hope yours continue to give you beautiful flowers.

Windsor, CA(Zone 9b)

some closeups on a sunny day. Xuling

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Windsor, CA(Zone 9b)

second pic

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Chalfont, PA(Zone 6b)

They are aptly named. I would call them 'electric blue'. They are just spectacular!

Windsor, CA(Zone 9b)

they are spectacular. even with cloud cover they shine. I am hoping they will grow into nice size bushes, but I don't know how big they are supposed to grow. Xuling

Windsor, CA(Zone 9b)

the one plant is still just bursting forth with these electric blue flowers (just like the name, je je). and another is doing better everyday as it gets more sun. xuling

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Brewster, MN(Zone 4b)

There is a wonderful place to learn about porpogating penstemons.........Tom Clothier..... Who knew there were so many different kinds and propogating methods.

Brewster, MN(Zone 4b)

Guess my spelling isn't so good yet this morning.

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