Worm compost


Well 3 weeks ago I carefully (I thought) dumped out the first tray of my worm farm and separated all the worms I could find and put them into the other trays.
Yesterday, I opened the plastic bag to get some compost to make a batch of tea and lo and behold the compost was crawling with little worms. I again separated a large handfull and put them in the top tray. I suppose I was a bit early and didn't know about eggs. I don't know what eggs look like.

My question is:
How long to leave a tray after the medium looks like compost?

Sorry about the long wait-here's my two cents!
If you are doing a good job, making your worms happy and comfortable, they will lay their 'eggs' in the material they are in. Once you offer them better choices and they move up, all those eggs will hatch, and then THOSE worms will lay eggs, etc. There is no sure fire way, as far as I know, to reach a point where there are no worms, and no eggs. But I would not hesitate to use the compost in your garden, or pots, and any worms that show up there can only be a good thing! That's what they do, improve whatever soil they are in:>) Hope that helps!

New York City, NY

The eggs are about the size of a pencil lead and are cocoon shaped. Once you recognize them you'll see them everywhere. I let mine finished compost sit 2 months and still find worms and eggs. In my experience you can't completely separate them. I tend to sift through it once when I remove it, and then a second time a week or two later (after missed eggs may have hatched). I also will keep it in a white garbage bag and by moving the compost around the young worms tend to stick to the sides. After that I will dry the castings out. But honestly, I think I'm a little too obsessed about getting all the worms.

Thumbnail by sassafrasx

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