DG member names gone from photo file names we've uploaded?

(Zone 7a)

fyi and hoping for comments - http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1087780/

Here's the text:

"I've been away for a while and just noticed that when I right-click on a photo to save it to my hard drive (for personal reference only), that the name of the DG member who put the photo up on this website no longer appears.

For example, when I right click, to "save image", on my own photo here - http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/showimage/224671/ - the only identifying information that appears on the file name is: 35b895 .

I realize that our DG names still appear on the face of the image in the copyright language up in the left corner, and that we have the option of putting in the DG members' name in the file name when we store it to a file on our hard drive.

But - eegads - this is awful! I strongly protest that the DG member's name does not stay with the file name of his/her photo that she/he put so much effort into sharing with the DG community."



(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I can honestly say that I am not surprised, despite what I am reading in this thread:


I see you started a thread on that forum as well concerning this issue:


It will be interesting to see what IB has to say about all of this...

(Zone 7a)

Becky, I'll be happy if IB will put back the DG member names with the file names of the photos they have (and hopefully will continue to) uploaded.


Debra, do you remember asking me how to download images? Hoping you will accept apologies for being so tardy - here we go:

I. First, I like to make a place for images to go to, so I make a file and name it. (I'm going to write my directions so that anyone as clueless (and spatially challenged) as I was about this can do this, too) -

-- Click on Start, which is located on the bottom left-hand corner of your monitor screen.

-- Click on My Documents.

-- In the menu at the top of the page, click on File.

-- In the menu that comes up, click on New.

-- In the menu that comes up, click on Folder.

-- A Folder should appear, and you can type in a name for it where it says "New Folder". The name can be anything, but for purposes of this tutorial, how about calling it Convolvulaceae (or MorningGlories).

II. Alrighty - let's download someone's photo - Joseph doesn't mind (and neither do I, but he's more generous than I am with uploading them). Sooo -

-- Click on http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/p.php?pid=7568125

-- Next click on the thumbnail to expand the image

-- So far, we have been left-clicking on our mousies. In this step, we are going to right-click on Joseph's image. A menu will come up and we will left click on Save Image As

-- A box will come up. At the top, it will say Save In: In the box next to that, click on the blue downward arrow and click on My Documents. Below that, the file folder(s) you previous made will appear. Highlight and double click on the one you labeled Convolvulaceae (or MorningGlories).

-- Now, you're ready to type in the file name, where it says File Name toward the bottom of the box. Since I like to find things after I've downloaded them, my file names of plants begin with Genus, then species name, then cultivar name, then source name. Sometimes I abbreviate, since names can be too long for 'Pooter to keep them straight. Sooo - here's how my file name for Joseph's image would look:

(note: It would be Ipomoea_nil_Tsubame_Gerris2_34f851, but sometimes I need to get more information in the label, so I always abbreviate Ipomoea to I)

Be sure to click on Save.


Hope this helps, and y'all ask me any questions and don't worry about how silly a question might look. I don't know about you, but if I never asked a silly/dumb question, then I never would have learned anything in my life time.


ps - thanking Joseph in advance for being my guinea pig :)

This message was edited Apr 14, 2010 1:12 AM

(Zone 7a)

Debra, this is just to expand on my above notes on how to download images above. Do you remember when we talked about collecting images of fine art from the internet? I wrote about it more extensively here - http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/566811/ . The study of art history can make a platform from which to study just about anything else in the universe - beauty and knowledge together.


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