Maltese Cross, Lychnis chalcedonica Dusky Salmon - questions

Lima, OH(Zone 5b)

I have had a number of these I grew from seed several years ago; but they do not grow fuller, having only three or four stems per plant. Is this normal? Can you transplant them?.... I do not know what the root system is and if they resent moving. THANKS

Conneaut, OH(Zone 5a)

I am new to these too.First year they were short and only a couple of flowers.Last year much taller and more flowers.This will be the third year in the ground.I did grow them from seed.I also transplanted some with no problems.I would move them now,if you are going to transplant.Edge

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I moved my regular Maltese Cross, they shouldn't be any different other than the color. The only problem is they weren't as vigorous as they would have been if I hadn't moved them, but they still grew and bloomed and came back this year. You shouldn't have a problem, just make sure you dig a little bit further out than the plant size and get the shovel down under the plant as deeply as possible, so you damage as little roots as possible. Plus make sure you water it in well and keep it watered well until it re-establishes itself. Good luck. :)

Thumbnail by Meredith79
Lima, OH(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the advise...they are moved into more sun... so far so good

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

How did your Dusky Salmon do after you moved them?

Athens, PA

I have found Maltese Cross easiest to move in the very early spring when you first notice it coming up.

I too have issues with MC not increasing and being a rather 'thin' plant. Last summer I started emptying out the seed pods on the ground when MC is finished flowering. I am hoping this will help to increase the number of flower stalks and bulk up this gorgeous plant.

Thumbnail by Carolyn22
Beachwood, OH

I had both L. Charledonica and L. Arkwrightii - the Chalcedonica finally just petered out and was gone, but the Arkwrightii has been vigorous and spreads slowly to make a nice stand of about 2 x 2 feet. This pic was odd because that year they seemed to be variable in color from red to orange - they are pretty much an orangey tomato red.

Thumbnail by alyrics
Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Neat, they look like a much larger flowered version than mine. :)

I had planned on ordering some Dusky Salmon seeds from Thompson Morgans and they sold out and don't appear to be carrying them in the 2012 catalog. :( I can't find them anywhere else this year either. I wa swondering if it was perhaps because they aren't vigorous enough. I have a few plants I grew fro seed that are white and I notice they aren't as vigorous but they also aren't in the best spot.

Athens, PA


The white ones are not as hardy? I have some seeds left over from last year that I never got around to planting. I was hoping they would hang on like my orangey red ones.

I too am interested in they Dusky Salmon colored seeds - I was thinking initially of putting in a request in the seed trading and perhaps checking the plantfiles to see if there were any 'available to trade's.


Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

Oh no they are hardy, mine all came back. They just seem to not grow as strongly as the orange ones. I also have them along the side of my deck, so they don't get any morning sun. All afternoon sun and they tend to flop. So they might be better if I put the in a better spot.

Athens, PA


so the white ones would do better in full sun as well?

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I think afternoon shade would be okay. It's just that ine don't get any morning sun which is better for any plant.

Lima, OH(Zone 5b)

I did move them in 2010; they did fine that spring and again in 2011. They were actually pretty tough, as I was none too careful in moving them.

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

If you can save some seeds from them I'd be interested in a trade! l.m.k. :)

Lima, OH(Zone 5b)

Boo Hoo....we had a VERY MILD winter, but not one of my Dusky Salmon returned this spring, so no seeds to gather. After all they have been through and survived looking great, they just disappeared this year!!!

Southeastern, NH(Zone 5b)

I only have one little teeny plant left of my Red orange colored ones. My white ones are much bigger this year but they flop a lot. They probably need more sun. I know I've read they are short lived perennials so I don't think it is your fault or the winter's either, just their nature. I think I have a stash of the red orange color seeds at least. I need to be sure to get the white ones this year in case they die out.

This message was edited Jun 27, 2012 11:46 AM

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