Just turned my first hot compost pile!

Encinitas, CA

I am SO excited! I started this pile 5 months ago. It got a little warm, but never like a hot pile. I had resigned myself to just waiting and waiting. But then I read that I could add cheap dog food and grass clippings to get it heated up. I thought it was worth a try, so I did that three days ago and just turned it and it is pipin hot! Yay!

I have a question now. I had read somewhere that the only way to have a hot compost pile is to make it all at the same time. This is more difficult, as I have to store the materials, etc. It would be much easier to just add them in as I have them (while trying to keep the C:N ratio correct). If I do slowly build the pile up to the level that I want it, would I be able to then use the method that I just did to heat it up quickly and get a hot compost pile?

Sorry if I'm not using the correct lingo, but any help is really appreciated. I'm hooked. :-)

Moscow, ID(Zone 5a)

yes - I have neither the time or a young back to turn my piles. I layer the components I have on hand & get the same results with one caveat: it takes longer. I have to source & store many things in order to have a proper pile. It will all break down eventually, so I don't worry about having it immediately. I do this in the fall, & have compost the following spring.
If you were hoping for a large volume of finished compost, you'd want to turn it frequently. I would say the minimum size pile would be a cubic yard or so. The addition of Alfalfa pellets work well, too, in place of the dog food. It all comes down to what you have access to.

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