Suggestion of clematis and rose combination, please

Cartersville, GA

Today I received the first 5 of almost 40 new clematis to arrive this month. Today's shipment came from Brushwood's Nursery. I was very pleased with the size. I also received the climbing rose Zephirine Drouhin. I plan to plant two clematis next to the metal arbor that ZD will grow on and train them to grow up the arbor and the rose. Without my listing all the clematis that will be coming this month, please suggest two clematis that would look good with ZD (pink) and also compliment each other. I am betting that at least two will be suggested that I have coming.

I thank you in advance.


Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Doris..You'll love cl. rosa "Zephrine Drouhin"..I have her companioned with 2 Clematis "Hagley's Hybrid" she is a vivid pink..I am considering planting clematis "Polish Spirit" on the other side..I love purple and pink together..another great one would be "Huldine"...Jeanne
ps...You'll also enjoy Dans plants they are superb!!

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Cartersville, GA

Thank you, Jeanne. I have just received our Donahue order. This is what I have received so far and what will be coming. I should have taken the time to do this last night, but it was late and I was tired. "Hagley's Hybrid" came today. I saw ZD blooming last year when we were on a master gardeners tour, and it was gorgeous.

Barbara Harrington
Comtesse de Bouchaud
Daniel Deronda
Rouge Cardinal
The President
Ville de Lyon
Hagley Hybrid
Princesss Diana

Brushwood Nursery
Jackmanii ( already grow this one)
montana Rubens
John Paul II
Henryi (already grow this one)
Ernest Markham

To come from SimplyClems:
florida Sieboldii
Crystal Fountain
Arctic Queen
Guernsey Cream
Sugar Candy
Pink Champagne
Gillian Blades
Kiri Te Kanawa
markham's Pink
Samantha Denny
Vivienne/Beth Currie

Let me take this opportunity to thank all of you on this forum for aiding me in this new addiction for clematis. I already have an addiction for daylilies and now I've added clems. Keep posting those beautiful pictures, so I can make next year's list longer!


Cartersville, GA

Our SimplyClems order came yesterday. When I opened up the individual bags, I had a very nice surprise! Crystal Fountain and Picardy each had a bloom. There are buds on several. Now, I have to get all the clematis planted this afternoon.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Mine came yesterday too!!'ve got to get out there and plant my 8 new some from "GardenCrossings" too and was shocked how BIG they were...Jeanne

Woodinville, WA(Zone 8b)

I just got my order from Simply Clems and am very pleased. I ordered 5 plants. I don't do a lot of plant buying by mail order, but this is hands down the best plant shipment I've ever received. The plants are in 4 inch pots, but theyhave great roots and are full and lush. Great care was taken so that they didn't get squished at all.

Two of them are ready to bloom!!


Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Isn't the packaging and the condition of the plants amazing from SimplyClems. I've never seen anything like it.

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