Looking for Calla Lilies

Manassas, VA(Zone 7b)

Looking for Calla Lilies to obtain from trade. I have Burning Bushes Seedlings about 12 inch high. Would part with 4 BB for 1 Calla Lilie any color. 8 BB for 2 & etc. (As many as you want to part with). I also have 2 year olds (approximately 18 to 20 inches high). They would be a 1 for 1 trade off. Lets make the trade I am a eager beaver to obtain the Calla's.

Omega, GA(Zone 8b)

HI Jake,

saw that you were looking for callas. I have white ones. Some are kind of small, but they spread rapidly in the right conditions. Some are blooming now and they are pretty.

If you want to trade with me again, that is...


Manassas, VA(Zone 7b)

Hi Suzanne it's Jake. I have no problem with trading again with you. I am looking for larger callas. I lost all of my large one's & I have several small seedlings from last years stock. I am looking for flower producers. I forgot to remove them from over the winter & with all the cold freezing weather & wetness they all go destroyed (soft & mushey). What do you have to offer ? Thanks Jake

Omega, GA(Zone 8b)

Hi Jake, sometime over the weekend, I'll take a picture and dmail it to you. I have a few blooming right now. I love callas too. Talk soon.

Williamson, GA

I have some yellow Callas. They are not blooming and just starting to pop through.

Arnett, WV(Zone 5b)

I have callas and gloroisa bulbs for the 2 yr old b.bushes


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