question about my iris bed

College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

Last year we put down a weed screen and put down a lot of mulch on top of my irises. It didn't faze the weeds but my irises aren't blooming. This is the third season they've been in that bed. Is it perhaps the mulch covering the tuber that's the problem for the non blooms? We're going to be weeding it this weekend. I need to know whether or not to replace the mulch. Any advice?

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Are they bearded Iris? Those tend to perform better without mulch because they like their rhizomes exposed. I like to plant bearded types on mounds, and mulch between the mounds.

College Station, TX(Zone 8b)

yes they are bearded. I rather thought that was the problem. And mounding is a great idea.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Ah, bet that's it then. They're like the only thing in the garden that doesn't like mulch, makes it tough when ya like to combine lots of different plants like I do. Giving them this year to rebound, and perhaps some fertilizer should ensure some blooms next year. Best of luck!

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