ground cover Clematis

Windsor, CA(Zone 9b)

Three years ago I planted 6 ground cover Clematis. The first year they didn't do much. Last year they looked ok for awhile. I believe I lost one. And this year they are growing really stronly and forming flower buds. But - warning - they are really hard in these pics to differentiate them from the green plants around them. Maybe when they bloom!!! Xuling

Thumbnail by xuling
Windsor, CA(Zone 9b)

2d clematis

Thumbnail by xuling
Windsor, CA(Zone 9b)

3d plant

Thumbnail by xuling
Windsor, CA(Zone 9b)

last plant

Thumbnail by xuling
Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

xuling, do you know the name of the clematis?? would love to see pictures when in bloom!

Windsor, CA(Zone 9b)

Hola, I believe that the name tags are still in the ground. If I remember, or if you remind me, I will post pics and names when they bloom. Last year they were quite lovely so I expect the same this year. xuling

Brighton, TN(Zone 7a)

I have also planted a low growing clematis. The tag lists it as "clematide arbustiva". What a disappointment it has been. The first summer it lived for a couple months, then died back. I thought for sure it was goner. Then the next spring it poppped back up, then died back again within a couple of months. I did not see it all of last summer. No I have noticed it again. I wonder how long it will last this year, and I have never seen a bloom yet!

Windsor, CA(Zone 9b)

mine have bloomed each year, but the growth has never looked as healthy as it does this year. I will wait and see.

Windsor, CA(Zone 9b)

ah ha!! the Clematis in the last pic I posted above has opened a flower. And the name tag says it is Clematis 'Juuli' . Xuling

Thumbnail by xuling
Windsor, CA(Zone 9b)

one more pic

Thumbnail by xuling
Windsor, CA(Zone 9b)

Here is a newly opened Juuli and the same one in the other pics a few days later.

This message was edited Apr 19, 2010 5:09 PM

Thumbnail by xuling
Windsor, CA(Zone 9b)

here is the older one from above

Thumbnail by xuling
Windsor, CA(Zone 9b)

And this one is just opening. it is Clematis 'Durandii'. Xuling

Thumbnail by xuling

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