Savannah Holly question

Fort Worth , TX(Zone 8b)

I have some Savannah Holly trees that were planted about a year ago, -- my first ones. They are looking a little "off", with some yellow leaves. They don't look like they are on death's door, but the color isn't what it usually is.

I didn't know if this is normal, like what live oak trees do at this time of year-- when they look so terrible and brown, pushing off the old leaves and coming out with the new ones.

Can anyone tell me how their Savannah Hollies look, and whether a shedding period is to be expected? I'm in zone 8b.

Scott County, KY(Zone 5b)

I don't grow Savannah Holly, but I think your intuition is correct. This is the annual shedding period for most native broadleaf evergreen hollies around here, where our local favorite American Holly (Ilex opaca) is performing exactly as you describe.

It always scares the uninitiated, because all the yellowing/dropping leaves make it appear that the tree is dying. Check the tips of the twigs for swelling/extending buds. I expect all is probably well there.

Fort Worth , TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks a lot, Viburnum Valley. The trees are putting on a lot of new growth, which is reassuring.

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