Earthquake in the Baja

Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

7.2 earthquake has rocked the Baja. We have friends on this forum who live there, I am hoping all is well with them....
My grandchildren who live in Arizona said they felt it too - something they have never felt before.
I am hoping to hear the Baja folks are okay, and they will check in...

mulege, Mexico

We didn't feel a thing here.

Very lucky as we are on a huge fault. I think it was north of here.

All is well here. I've been lurking but not posting much.


Xai Xai, Mozambique

hoping everyone is ok...
Katie, stop lurking and start posting!!!!! oops, i should probably stop pointing out the speck in your eye, when i have chunk of wood in my own!!
been lurking too..., but will post more!

My brother wrote from California, where he's visiting his daughter:

Marissa and I went to the Long Beach Aquarium yesterday, which is one of our favorite pastimes. It only takes us about 20 minutes to get there.

So we were exiting the main building to go out to the shark pool when it felt like we were on a boat. I quickly leaned up against the building so I could feel all the motion. It went on about twenty seconds, and was really smooth rocking motion. I guess it wasn't so smooth a couple hundred miles to our south!! After a few minutes, it was all forgotten.

The aftershocks aren't big enough to be felt this far away, but there's lots of them.

(Mary) Poway, CA(Zone 10a)

I was about 100 miles from the epicenter, but was driving, so I didn't feel a thing. Everyone else I knew felt it, stronger than anything we've ever felt in San Diego county. I felt an aftershock because it happened at 4 AM when all is quiet and still. The buildings in San Diego did pretty well, although a Sheraton Hotel was evacuated, and they were initially concerned about the foundation.

There was one this morning or some such time in Sumatra, a 7.7.

Our Earth is jiggling a lot lately.

The Baja one has had quite a swarm of aftershocks.

Quite often I check:

Xai Xai, Mozambique

Gosh, i hope these earthquakes stop soon!!!

noonamah, Australia

Another earthquake has struck about 210 kilometres south east of Honiara, the capital of the Solomon Islands. It happened Sunday (today) and registered as magnitude 7.1.

That was a somewhat deep one?? 60 km, 37 miles.

Just so Yellowstone doesn't blow. Or the Canaries. Or that thing in Hawaii.

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