Iris Buddies! Gone wild!

Cherryvale, KS

I am trying very hard to be good this year! My yard is full and running over! Hello to all of my old friends(BIF's) and I hope some new ones. This has been a very trying winter for us, looking forward to a great spring. pic Pirate Ahoy

Thumbnail by NickysIris
Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Hi Nicki. Long time no see. Good to have you on here. Can't wait to see what you have that survived the winter. Had a strange one here too. Looked like I had a bunch of Iris starting up a cple weeks ago and then some cold nights and may have lost a few "SOB". I will replace some but still waiting to ee what I do have yet as space limited.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Hi Nicki

Hi Steph.

So what is new with you Nicki, and how are you doing, Steph?

Steph, I see just a few JIs peeking so you won't be seeing anything for a couple of weeks on them, I wouldn't think.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Hi Polly. Have not checked this week. When should I start fertilizing, not til I see the green??
I am doing ok. So busy at the shop the last 3 days. Big Holiday at easter and everyone shopping and help not showing up. Was a little ill during the night so took it wasy today and made a nice ham dinner for the 2 of us. Had 2 invites but we were just too tired. We still enjoyed the day being quiet and able to talk to each other a bit. How was your easter and how are you doing. Hope Nicky had a nice eater too.
By the way Nicky how is the weather there this week.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Great Easter here, thanks Steph. Easter egg hunt with the kids, then we did Mentos in diet coke. Tons of fun.

Don't fertilize until you see green about three -four inches. Hoping you'll see green. Fingers and toes crossed.

How cold did it get there this year?

We've missed you NickyBIF!

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

It got down to about 28 -30 below but not for long and had good snow cover so I am hopeful. It has been pretty mild the last month and a half. Above normal so I am thrilled. A lot of the TB are cining up the last week or 2 so maybe I will see some of the other things soon. Sounds like a great Easter, You deserve it. I Love to watch the easter egg hunts as the kids are so funny and get so excited.

Cherryvale, KS

Happy Monday BIF's!! We had a great Easter, the temperature was around 80!! A little too early for that! We had a thunderstorm with hail this morning! I hope that is all of our hail for the season! LOL I need to work on our show book for the Joplin Iris show on Mother's Day weekend. We have an appointment with H&R Block this evening! YUCK pic Added Value

Thumbnail by NickysIris
Owasso, OK(Zone 6b)

Coming to Tulsa, Nicky?

Cherryvale, KS

Gabriel125!! When are your shows?? The Joplin club show is Saturday and Sunday of Mother's Day week-end (at the mall) and Parsons is the following week. My iris are popping out like popcorn!!! I hope it slows down or I won't have anything to show. Happy Tuiesday BIF's!!! pic Gumby

Thumbnail by NickysIris
Owasso, OK(Zone 6b)

Hi Nicky! First shows are Saturday, April 24th and Sunday, April 25th. Second shows are same as Joplin. I can't believe I have so many in buds right now. A bunch of my little ones have just quit blooming or are in bloom now, and a bunch more to come. TB are budding a lot earlier than last year. Now let the hail begin! Usually that is what happens.


Jungle Warrior

Thumbnail by Gabriel25
Cherryvale, KS

Happy Wed. BIF's!!! My iris are getting carried away!! I need around 6 gardeners to come over for OJT, on weeding and putting down Bayer bug stuff, preen and mild fertilizer. No charge for the training! LOL I'll have to see what is in bloom Rose, maybe I'll just visit! pic Ballistic! Love and Kisses (if any need directions, let me know)

Thumbnail by NickysIris
Cherryvale, KS

I'm very disappointed that no one is coming to garden!! LOL pic Welder's Blue opened today

Thumbnail by NickysIris
Cherryvale, KS

Happy Tuesday BIF! The iris are going nuts! I hope I have something left for the Parsons Show, week after Mothers Day! pic Jurassic Park opened today!

Thumbnail by NickysIris
Cherryvale, KS

Happy Friday!! Have all of my BIF's been taking pictures?? I need to go do that now! They sure sneak up on you!! Enjoy your week-end! pic Flying Circus!

Thumbnail by NickysIris
Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I've taken pictures of my little ones.....the big ones are just putting up the bloom scapes. My computer is sick with a virus and we hope to have it back next week. I will have pics then! For now I am enjoying your pics and wishing I had those to add!

Cherryvale, KS

Happy Wed. BIF's!! I went out and took pictures today! It is hard to keep up. I need to get busy and run another ad, so I can try to convert more peeps to our cause!!LOL pic Autumn Harbor!!

Thumbnail by NickysIris
Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I will be posting pictures this evening! (I hope!) I will have "Open Sky", "Boo", "Candy Apple", "Baby Blessed", "Sleepy Time", "Betsey Boo", NOID purple, NOID white, NOID white with purple.

Also, "Raspberry Blush" is blooming (if the frost didn't do it in).

Be back this evening with pics!

Posted those pics on "Look What I Found Blooming Today"

This message was edited Apr 30, 2010 10:03 AM

Cherryvale, KS

Happy Friday BIF's!! I hope my pictures turn out, because there are some spectacular iris in bloom! I got wet, another rain storm coming in! It is the second year and some of Burseen's iris will make you drool!!! pic Babboo Shadows

Thumbnail by NickysIris

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