Any Chile Heads here

North Hills, CA

Looking for Wild or super hot strains to trade.
My "have seeds for" list is in the 3000 variety and strains of seeds catagory.

Will not trade Exotics for common seeds-Cayenne , Jalapeno etc.

Interesting crosses of some varieties are cool - 7 pot/naga , yellow bhut , caribbean red/scorpion or other similar strains.

I have lots of the more common , Non Bell Pepper seeds (at least common to me) for SASBE or trade for similar seeds.
Let me know what your interested in trading or want.

I hate seeing someone who is Chile Impared going through life without chiles but I'm not into giving out seeds at my expense.
Worste thing that could happen is I'm out of Whatever and say no...

No Such Thing As Too Many Peppers.


Grandview, TX(Zone 8a)

WOW Smokemaster What do you do with all those peppers? I usually only grow the common ones, jalapeno & cayenne. I wouldn't have a clue what to do with any others LOL. I did however start some seeds of some ornamental peppers this year. I don't know if those are edible but they sure are purdy LOL.


Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

I neither have or want more pepper seeds right now, but I am curious which are your favorites? If you grow 3000 kinds, you must know the good ones!!!

I don't have room for many veggies this season, but am trying to grow some paprika peppers that I got from a trade. It is so hard to find fresh paprika in the stores, here.

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