Want: Foxglove

Spooner, WI

I'm looking for seeds from Foxglove strains that are hardy in Zone 4. Can work out a swap or pay for postage.

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Not sure if I have any left but the Excelsior Group is hardy in 4a & 4b
does that cover you?

Spooner, WI

Yes! Have you grown it from seed? Not sure my best method, but I'm determined to have Foxglove in my gardens!

columbia, TN(Zone 7a)

Dmail me your addy and I'll send you some, have white and spotted throat ones. Annette

Spooner, WI

Thanks Annette! Sent.

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Haven't had any foxgloves in this new location of ours but had them when I lived on Cape Cod. Truly didn't do much to have them grow - just tossed them in the back of the garden & let nature take its course. They grew lol.

I have pink foxgloves and some of the mix available if you're interested as well.

Let me know,

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