Calystegia hederacea

Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

beckygardener - Do you have an update on your beautiful Calystegia hederacea? I found something listed as that & purchased it last fall - it died back, but has arisen! The leaves don't look like the ones in your pics from 2009, so it may not be the real deal. Could you report on its invasiveness (or not), growth, etc? I want to plant this thing (whatever it is!), & am going to put it in a large fiberglass "barrel" planter with a big trellis, at least for now. Thanks, Samantha

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Hi Samantha! What I have is a Calystegia pubescens

It grew like crazy in the ground, so I dug it up for fear of it becoming invasive. I transplanted it in a pot. It does go dormant in winter. Mine has tried to sprout new vines and leaves, but our weird record breaking cold weather is really confusing all my plants. So it is still not quite up and showing off yet. Hopefully soon. Do you have any photos of yours? Did yours bloom yet?

Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

Oh, well, mine is very small yet, with very little leaves. So, no blooms, but I hope when it gets bigger. It will be interesting to see the differences between your & mine! I will try to take photos, & post them. Mine was dormant over the winter, as well, so I am glad they are growing now. I actually have 2 little ones. (Sorry this pic is sideways - I am still learning about posting pics!) Samantha

Thumbnail by graceful_garden
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Samantha - Your leaves look similiar but not exactly like mine from your photo. Of course, they could just be emerging leaves that will change as it grows. The blooms will be the comparison. I am looking forward to seeing your flowers! I hope it is the same as mine. My blooms last year looked like tiny roses or peonies. Very pretty little blooms. They didn't make any seeds for me, but can be cut and rooted in water. I have promised some rooted cuttings to a few folks this year if mine grows back nice and strong. I had luck with 2 cuttings last year rooting which I shared with a friend. But I tried to get some more cuttings to root and I think it was too late in the season because none of them rooted, but instead wilted and died. So ...

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i wish i could find a place to buy them from.

Hahira, GA(Zone 8b)

Hmm, well, as you said - we will see! I HOPE the blooms on mine are as pretty as yours!! I will watch & keep you posted on growth!! I am not an experienced Morning Glory grower at ALL - I have only ever grown Moonflowers - once! But, I lurk around here alot - drooling! LOL And, I have purchased a few seeds, so, we'll see if they grow!! Thanks! Samantha

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