
Parkersburg, WV

This is my third year with Clematis and I have trimmed them as per instructions from popular websites. My question is I read on here one time about top dressing around Clems in the spring with compost and the such. I was using a mixture of composted cow manure, homemade compost, bone meal and regular 10-10-10 fertilizer, used only a small amount of 10-10-10. I roughed up the ground around base of clems and then put about 2=3 inches of mixture around them without touching the stems. I got this done on saturday before three days of rain. I sthis too much at one time or not enough? I really love these Clems but worry I will kill them or stunt them somehow.
I about choked when I had to trim some down to 6-8 inches from ground when they have taken 2 years to cover trellises. Any info will be appreciated.


Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

You did fine taj. That should do them for a while. I treat my clematis the same as my roses.
As far as pruning that depends on the type of clematis you have. I'm sure you have done your homework and know how to prune at this point.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

10-10-10- is a balanced fertilizer..Like I use the 13-13-13 often through out the growing season but in the Beginning of the season (when you see the leafbuds starting to green up) you should use a fertilizer like Rose or Tomato Fertilizer that has a high middle number ..the "P" in the N-P-K ratio because like Roses Clematis are heavy feeders and really respond to a higher "P" use one of those fertilizers now and AFTER it finishes its bloom cycle..NEVER use Rose or Tomato Fertilizer ONCE it has set flowerbuds as this will rush (Shorten) the bloom period..a flush of about 6 weeks will end up being a 2 week flush..and you know how we love to get each and every day of our blooms to last as long as possible..and they will love the composted cowmanure you've put on them and don't forget your alfalfa tea!!..Jeanne

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

If you have already fertilized your clematis, I would wait before putting down more so you don't burn them. I would error on the side of to little. Rather than do damage to your plants.

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