Our local nursery won't have the Mesa Salvias this year...

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Waaaaaaaaa :(
And I can't seem to find a nursery online that carries it....Darn!
I loved the Purple and Rose varieties. They did especially well in our gardens. The owner of the nursery said he couldn't find a place that had the "plugs"...Big Sad Sigh!!!

Candor, NC

I know that some of the Navajo series are still being propagated.

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

seeds on ebay..
from a DG'er

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Do they come true from seed? Many named hybrids don't, plus if you grow multiple types of salvia in your garden they're likely to cross with each other, so I wouldn't count on the seeds looking exactly like the parents.

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

She states that they may not....but it's a good offer as far as number goes, so maybe a chance of getting one at least close...never know, I got deep dark "pink" from Red Velvet seeds, but no real "red", but they are still very pretty, and definitely hardy here. I guess it depends on how adventurous you are....

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

I have sown from Mesa seeds, but haven't seen yet what the results will be. My sowings of Red Velvet seeds have so far brought red flowers on resulting plants. I have Mesa Azure and Mesa Purple and have found that mine seem to do much better in part shade or shade...did you grow yours in shade or sun?

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)


The ones I planted were in full sun...and such a lovely purple and rose colors. Here are 4 pics...
This 1st pic is from our patio garden...a close-up of the Mesa purple with Salvia Maraschino behind it...

Thumbnail by SusanLouise
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Here's the entire patio garden from a distance...with other Salvias like Black Cherry on the left side of the garden...

Thumbnail by SusanLouise
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Here's a close-up of our newest garden...middle section of it that has just Salvias.
The front row is 'Ultra Violet' in the middle and on either side of it is a Mesa Rose. The 2nd row is 2 Mesa Purple...and the back is 2 'Hot Lips'.

Thumbnail by SusanLouise
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

And here's a pic of that entire garden...Irises on the right and mainly butterfly host plants on the left...

Thumbnail by SusanLouise
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

And here's a pic of our huge garden...

Thumbnail by SusanLouise
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

And a view of both of those gardens...last pic...Whew!

Thumbnail by SusanLouise
Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

Thanks for the pics....I *do* like the red/purple flower combo.

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

wcgypsy, here in Central Florida, I find that "most" of the Salvia's do better if they have a bit of midday shade in the middle of our hot humid summers. That being said I do have some in full blazing sun all day and in July/August, depending on how much rain we're getting they bloom a bit less. The coccinea's /greggi's tolerate much more sun and heat. The splenden's ( vanhouttie, tall peach, I don't grow the short "bedder types") MUST have some shade here during the summer.
I have also found that the perennial sages, do better tolerating the heat in say their second year, guessing they are just more established. It can make it challenging as in winter, they could often use more sun, most of our oaks don't really drop all their leaves. The old ones just get pushed out as the new ones come in. (Live oaks, water oaks ) they maples do drop their leaves which allows for more winter sun. I have to play alot with placement, and sometimes plant the same plant in two different spots to see where it fare's best, then use that as a guide for future plantings.
My Purple Majesty is well over 5 ft tall right now, I covered it with frost cloth to have at least one "big plant" in early spring for the hummers which we've already had for a couple of weeks now and for the few butterflies that are emerging. It's blooming like gangbusters now, but I will probably trim it back in late April/Early May, when others are up in blooming more, by July -early Sept. it will bloom less. It gets full on afternoon sun. SO...after all that yapping, I guess in CA, you get the heat, don't know about the humidity, but you seem to grow quite a few ( ones I doubt would do well here because of the humidity), if you want them in full sun, be prepared to mulch well to keep the roots cool, and some will require alot of water in mid-late summer.
Here in Fla, we take "full sun" with a grain of salt for alot of plants.

Fallbrook, CA(Zone 10b)

Yep, I'm the same with the "full sun" label. We've gotten some few days here in the last couple of summers that reached 107 degrees and I'm much more suspicious of "full sun". I'm always looking to see what's the worst the plant can take...if it takes full sun in Texas, it'll do okay here. It's possible that since I hate full sun myself, I'm assuming that some of my plants do also...lol..I also like to keep the watering down since I have a lot to water and high water bills. If I can provide a gentler environment for my plants, they can do with a bit less water. Just finished clearing out a new area under/around some trees on a slope and have a lot that can go in there. I get slowed down here with our gophers and making wire baskets for the plants, but trying to get a lot planted into that area before we get rain tonight. Rain is an unexpected blessing today...love El Nino years! I do know someone who lives maybe 10 miles east of us where the days are much hotter far more often and he has salvias taking full sun that I wouldn't give mine here, but his soil is very well-conditioned and rich. Thanks for the info. I do the same...try to plant the same salvia in several different aspects to see which it will tolerate.

Hebron, KY


Your flowers and flowerbeds look wonderful! Thanks for sharing all your pics!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Hello Marilynbeth,

Bless your heart...Thank you :)
I'll send you a D-mail soon...it's been a long time!


Hebron, KY

Hi Susan,

Yes it has! :-))

Good to hear from you!

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

Susan, yes, no doubt about it your garden is beautiful! I bet the hummingbirds are crazy for it!

(and Hi! Marilynbeth! How is your garden growing this year?? Have the hummers found it yet?)

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Nice wide shots Susan

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