Today, etc

Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

Got my pond (a preformed 75 gal) cleaned up and ready for the fan tail goldfish. They've been in the big aquarium in our sunroom all winter so we could enjoy them. They go out tomorrow! Or maybe the next day, since it's supposed to rain hard here. ;)
Got a big 'Flying Dragon' (Poncirus trifoliata) cutting from a friend, so I started several cuttings from that. I so hope they take!
My hellebores really hit their stride this year. They're all (3) happy and blooming, I even got a few seedling from last years blooms.
I'm starting to expand my pond garden so all the plants in there won't be so cramped up and 'cause, well, I want to.
Trimmed back my Fredric Mistral rose fairly hard. I had trimmed it a bit a few months ago, but it was still 6' tall x 5' wide. Now it's about 3' x3'.
Almost everything (tropical hibiscus, citrus, BoP's, bananas, etc) is back outside except for my orchids.
Now it's G&T time.....

Raleigh, NC(Zone 8a)

I'm too scared to move things out of the GH yet because I keep seeing overnight temps in the 30s dappled in the forecast.

I bought a couple ensete maurelii, banana cannas and basjoos from Plant Delights' open house a few weeks ago, and I'm still trying to decide where to plant them when the time comes. PD said I can leave my ensetes in the ground with a leaf-filled cage for winter protection in our area. Anyone else do/try this? I was thinking about putting them in large pots to overwinter them in the GH or under the house to be safe, but would rather they become permanent fixtures in their place of choice once I decide.

Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

I would love to visit PD!! I would believe what Tony says, but then again...... You can pot one up and bring it in to be on the safe side.
I use the cage to protect my tropical hibiscus in the ground; I fill it with pine straw. Works quite well!

Raleigh, NC(Zone 8a)

Wait, you keep tropical hibs in the ground, caged and pine strawed, and they come back each year? I wonder if they'd do the same for me if I did that. Or if my area temps are too cool for that to work (I'm a full zone lower than you). I kept mine in pots in the GH over winter, and only watered them sparingly. Most of them (including the pretty, yellow freebies I snagged from my office building last year) are springing back and sprouting new leaves now.

Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

Actually, I'm in a microclimate where the temps make me technically in a cold zone 9. The temps don't get lower then a normal zone 9, but stay that way for longer, so I have to cage the hibiscus. It's a garden variety ('President'), so is a hardier variety and comes back from the roots each year. I've also had a H. schizopetalus come back this way.
I have lots of other tropical hibiscus and they all go in my greenhouse.
How did yours survive the winter? I only lost two very small rooted cuttings. Not too bad considering how bad I am with over watering during the winter.

Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

So, after "bragging" about my microclimate.... I uncovered my tropical hibiscus and it doesn't look good. It's still early to know for sure,, but dang, it looks dead.....

Raleigh, NC(Zone 8a)

:-( sorry to hear that, Barbie. If it's any consolation, I found a couple tropical hibs at Home Depot this evening. If you have an HD nearby, perhaps check in there and see if they, too, have them. Will keep my fingers crossed for your's though, that they come back.

Kure Beach, NC(Zone 9a)

I work for HD*, but we haven't gotten the tropical hibiscus in yet. I do have some that I overwintered for a friend. I think they might let me have one - it's a standard, braided garden variety. Double orange, I think.

*I still prefer to support local nurseries, but a paycheck is a paycheck and so far, it seems pretty good.


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