help with rabbits

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

i need a home made recipe that deters rabbits. they destroyed my gardens last year. i had more lilies on the ground than standing. a long lasting recipe or deterrent is best.
has anyone used planskyll for deer, rabbits and rodents? they say it works for 6 months. true or false?
all help welcome.
thanks debi z and franklin

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

I use Cayenne pepper in small areas which I know the rabbit is attracted to, I've heard that some gardeners use cayenne pepper w/ powdered detergent, I use Moth balls or flakes sometimes too, though I usually reserve their use for dogs/ cats which need a more potent deterrent. Anything you put down however needs to be periodically re-applied due to rain. I can't completely eliminate the rabbit from my garden, I just try to make sure he stays away from certain things.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I rotate months with Liquid Fence, then garlic and irish spring soap. Of course my dog catches them too.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

We have a killer cat and I rotate with Liquid Fence and Repells all and cayenne pepper. I also put pepper in the bird seed ,the squirrils hate it.The birds dont mind.

Springfield, MA(Zone 6a)

do you mix the soap and cayenne pepper and spray it on?
anything i can spray, i have coconut based product that will make it stick and dry effectively to the plant.
do ou have good results with liquid fence and repells all. i tried a spray product last year and i would have to spray after every rain and that was every day, it was cost prohibitive after a few purchases and they were still having there morning meal on my lilies. :-(
i was thinking of trying the plantskydd, that is made with blood meal.
thanks for your info

Sick Victor onto them, then it might get lively in here.

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

- Yes, you can mix the soap & cayenne pepper and apply with a spray.

BTW: My neighbor swears by several marigold plants surrounding his veggie garden, he says they, [the marigolds] 'repel' rabbits, (he grows zucchini, eggplant and cooking herbs in his garden).

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

I'd beg to differ on the marigolds, they do repell certain insects....but i highly doubt it's bothering the rabbits. The reason I say that is because last summer I bought a flat of 18 marigolds to plant around my garden to in fact repell insects. When I got up in the morning 14 were eaten and several bunnies were having breakfast on the other 4. ^_^

Eastern Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

I'm skeptical also, I think the rabbits just don't want to eat his stuff! (lol!) - but that's his claim so I thought I'd add it in. I just use hot pepper and cross my fingers! I had lilies last year and didn't put anything on them, the rabbits just passed them by looking for leftover bird seed from my feeder. Guess it depends on the availability of food...

Warners, NY

I just bought Liquid Fence deer and rabbit repellent and sprayed the things I'd cry to have eaten like the seedlings planted out in the fall of 2008 that haven't bloomed yet. For me it's kind of expensive so I just spray favorites, also it stinks when you put it on, so far so good since spraying although before that the rabbits ate the forget-me-nots and the kniphofia right down to the ground and pulled the kniphofia up .by the roots and ate them. I'm thinking of sweeping up the rabbit and deer poop and digging it in for fertilizer as there are piles of it out there. so far no muskrats this year but the beaver are chewing down trees by the marsh, no skunks on the back porch or possums like there were when we made the mistake of putting the garbage can out there and the coyotes stay up on the hill---so far.---------------------Weedy

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

We have a bed that's about as far from the house as possible, and it has a tulip with beautiful variegated foliage. I can't comment on the flower as I'm not sure I've seen one. Something has been eating the buds in previous years, I suspect Odocoileus virginianus, or Marmota monax.
That may finally change! The new neighbor, across from us has erected a hideous street light at his MILs suggestion. It seems we have a bad reputation in these parts for moonshiners, poachers, and just downright disrespect for the law. It's so bad here most of the neighbors don't lock their doors, I suspect to prevent break in damage and all, and about half leave there keys in the car to avoid those nasty confrontations with carjackers.
I told Holly I love it, the darn thing is so bright you can see right up to our front door, no need for night lights which makes us greener, the wild critters move around less out there, and I may just ask if I can park a couple of wheelbarrows of plants there at night to extend their growing day. Ric

PS. I walk our beagle out there each night to ensure our territory is well marked and the critters know he's no longer in the dark, the only shame is I can no longer help him as I would be in the spotlight.LOL

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)


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