clematis that dont require much sun

Kansas City, MO

I have two places that
I would like to put clematis on trellils, one would get some east sun and the other would get some west sun.Neither would be in full sun. I would like for them to be either red or white Does anyone have any suggestions?

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Will this area get at least 6 hours sun in totality?

Kansas City, MO

Probably 4 hours

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Then check out this article ..Jeanne

Kansas City, MO

checked the site and found the perfect clematis, however they no longer have a nursery, only ship cut flowers. So I will search elsewhere for Lemon Chiffon clematis. Thanks, Marilyn

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Bluestone has it per Plant Files:

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I'd rather see you get "Lemon Chiffon" from Donahues..and this page also has more clematis for those shadier areas...Jeanne

Kansas City, MO

Thanks for your help.... Marilyn

Athens, PA


Do you have Lemon Chiffon? I have one on order - not really sure where to put it at this point and I know your sun is stronger than mine.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Yes I is in filtered light until 1pm but it is against the fence and the roots are shaded from the sun but a foot above the soil the sun shines loves it there...Jeanne

Athens, PA

So I could probably go a little more than filtered light. I think your sunlight is probably stronger than mine....

Thank you - I have some ideas now!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

great ideas thanks

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

If my sun is stronger then you should go for less filtered sun??It's a light coloured clematis so you don't have to worry about fading if that was your concern..I find people up North can let their clems have alot more sun than me...especially the pruning group 2's..the 3's here adore tons of sun...stronger or not...Jeanne

Athens, PA

Not sure what I am concerned about to be honest with you. I know that COTW states that Lemon Chiffon grows in semi-shade. I agree that because it is a light colored clematis it should not fade....

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

ok..I think when sites say certain clematis do well in Shade is #1. they either fade or like me Some Pruning group 2's just can't alot of my afternoon sun and do better in 6-8 morning sun instead...or some just demand less sun...Jeanne

Athens, PA


That makes sense. I have HF Young and Carnaby in part shade and they do wonderfully, while my John Paul is in the same shade and doesn't seem to want to flower. I am think I need to move John Paul. Now I am thinking that maybe my Lemon Chiffon will be ok on the same wall with Miss Bateman then......


Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Kewl...I've read "JP" loves alotta sun...share pics!!..Jeanne

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

I was at Lowes yesterday and they had a lot of Clems and the tag said part sun. I wanted to put some out front on the mailbox but it is full sun. Will these still do ok?
They also said morning sun. Do all Clems want only morning sun? Or just certain ones. The one I started with was in full sun and it did well.

This message was edited Apr 7, 2010 8:18 PM

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Most likely. Did you get the names? There are very few that demand shade all the time.

Williamstown, NJ(Zone 6b)

No , I was busy searching for ones that said full sun. I just know they were pink and purple flowers Clems.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Personally, I'd take the chance and buy them if you love them. Most want sun at the top and those labels you saw are meant to induce anyone into buying them since most of us seem to have part sunny/part shady areas.

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