Here's how it's going so far...

River Vale, NJ

OK, so some of you might remember I was wondering when my hellebores were going to bloom? I was resigned to foliage only for the first couple of years, so I was pleasantly surprised when I saw one of them about to bloom! A single, solitary flower, but hey, it was something!

Next day... my poor bud was chewed to bits. I'm guessing a squirrel. Grrr! I mean seriously? Isn't this sucker supposed to repel all the garden nibblers? And it's not like there's nothing else to eat around here. I'm surrounded by things squirrels are supposed to love. So why the beeline to my garden items?

I swear it's deliberate. Little buggers.

Anyway, they also started to ravage my crocus bulbs and shoots. I went to town on those areas with cayenne pepper plus critter ridder and all that jazz. Overkill, maybe, but I was desperate. Lo and behold, my crocus came up beautifully! I'll try to post a pic when I can. My neighbors must have thought I was bonkers... I was practically leaping with joy, lol.

My daffodils are also coming up nicely. A few have been chewed up a bit by something or other, but nothing making me leap out of my skin like with the crocus. They're a bit scattered, but I wanted to leave some space for spread (hopefully).

It's a small start, but a start at last! :)

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

you can eat squirrel:)

Lower Hudson Valley, NY(Zone 6b)

Congrats! never had anything eat my hellebores or daffs.

River Vale, NJ

Haha, maybe that should be my warning to them!

The daffodils were just kind of chewed on ... like something was giving them a go and then decided it wasn't worth it. And it was only a couple of them, thankfully.

So I either have some mutant breed of hellebore, or some seriously freaky squirrels!

Denville, NJ(Zone 6b)

nothing ever ate mine either.. sheesh.. sorry to hear that

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