New Gardenbed Layout and Started Planting.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I laid out the plan for all the space opened up by my now gone and carted
away tree in the front yard now totally full sun bed. It is making it sunny
not only in the immediate area but the beds in front view off the street are
getting more sun also. Even though they got enough before.

I got smart and made a plan. This is going totally cottage garden. Area now
will be in front of an existing rose bed as viewed from picture window of my
living room. I put in sticks for markers and bricks (temporary) to outline
sections were things are going. It helps me to visualize and see if I have
enough room or need to move things before I actually plant.

I am transplanting a row of 7 extra early daylilies I had in another area.
That is first daylily row. Then I have staked out the second daylily row
which will be all late blooming daylilies. I still haven't decided if I will
use ones moved in there for the late bloomers or buy new.

In front of the daylilies, instead of having them right up to the edgers, I
have left room so that I can have a row of tulips and crocus there which I
will plant in the fall for spring.

Off to the side area next to the nice new front yard walkway redone last
year, I have a small semi circle area using these concrete round edgers I
had laying around. It is just enough to plant 5 tall bearded Iris. Then in a
semi circle around at the outside edge of those edgers that will contain
bearded iris I will put Siberian Iris to outline.

In back of the rows of daylilies and off to the side of the iris will go a
grouping of lily bulbs and I will have room to put daffodils in that area
also. Then path to access the one side of the existing rosebed. I am
thinking if the lilies should be a double row of orientals or what. The
exact lilies that will be there or even of I should go some trumpets, I have
not decided as yet.I need to still think on that and my spring lily bulbs
are not ordered yet anyway. I want to make it another of my "mass" displays
of lilies and want to go heavy there for lots of bloom. I might be able to
go asiatic and oriental in back, have to do more measuring to see what could
work there.

At any rate this should give me the look I want of lots of different types
of bloom at various times thru the summer and make it a lively cottage
garden section. Since this area is near areas already planted with roses,
lilies, Siberian Iris and other plants, it just extends the cottage garden

There are some years that I remember going out to garden in March wearing my winter coat. Not this year. March started off warm and it has stayed that way. Today is another over 70 degree day and we have been having high 60s or over all week and High 50s to low 60s the weeks before.

Winnsboro, TX

Sounds like your keeping yourself very busy Rita.

What's up with this weather, warm and in the 70's in New York, and freezing here in Texas and expecting snow? Global Warming my foot. I just think the cold and snow is moving to other sections of the WORLD.

Have fun with you new garden!!!

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