Tiny flat snails in worm bed?


I've had a Rubbermaid container I've used for vermicomposting for about 2 years now. I've emptied and removed worms and put in new bedding etc. Noticing critters that look like tiny flat snails everywhere about 1/4 inch. Anybody have these in their worm beds?

I had added some outside dirt at one time, not much though. I use shredded newspaper and put some egg shells and coffee grounds and other chopped up veggies.

This also is the first time I have lots and lots of babies and I have finally found the tiny eggs. Grandsons were helping me and the 11 year old found some and asked me if these were the eggs!! Sure are tiny! Success finally, worms are multiplying!!

I've kept them in laundry room over the winter and much of the hot summer here in Southern Ok. My garden will surely love the amendments.

If you could post a picture here, that would help too.
They don't sound harmful, and are probably helping things along. Good luck, maybe someone will have a more helpful post.

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