Hops vine: is it invasive??

Richmond, VA(Zone 7a)

Does anyone know anything about this plant: Humulus lupulus 'Nugget' ('Nugget' hops)? I'm thinking of trying it on my quarry tile front porch, facing east, in Richmond VA in large terra cotta pots. I don't know whether I might find baby hops plants growing throughout my yard!! Does anyone have any experience? Many thanks!!

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Copied from another site - this person is in 7a, too:

Posted by nckvilledudes OrwellianzQ (My Page) on Mon, Jul 16, 07 at 3:50

Hops can spread by underground rhizomes so I would consider it to be a very enthusiatic grower. I had the variety known as Golden Nugget and it got out of control within two years and as a result I killed it off by digging up as many of the rhizomes as possible and spraying anything else that came up with Roundup. Mine was in an uncontained area so you might get away with it in your situation but just be on the look out for it popping up in unexpected areas.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Uh-oh! I planted a gold leaf variety on the back of my greenhouse to provide shade in the summer.


Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Peggy, dig it up and plant it in a 20-gallon pot and place the pot on a big concrete paving block. Watch for babies from the seeds and pull them up. It's a beautiful vine, but so invasive, from my personal experience in Kansas City, Mo.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Luck would have it that I found a couple of 20 gal nursery buckets while cleaning the equipment shed. I'm trying to growing the variegated one from seed too. The gold one is beautiful and the comma caterpillars love it.

Thumbnail by bigred
Edinburg, TX

If any of ya'll want to trade hops vine rhizomes - please send me -mail!!!

I've been after some for my yard. I want to use it as a larval host for the Question Mark caterpillars.


Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I only have the gold leaf variety but the commas LOVED it last year.

Edinburg, TX

d-mailed ya BigRed :o)

~ Cat

Sebastian, FL(Zone 9b)

Can I grow hops in zone 9b, Central FL? If so, would anyone like to trade? I have vegetable & herb seeds. I was looking to buy a rhizome to try but they are very expensive $8 for 5" plus shipping. Please advise. Thank you very much.

Edinburg, TX

Urban - I bought 'rhizomes' off of ebay recently. They are five to six inches long and very sorry looking!!! They look like cut sections of runners - one had a small white root about 1 inch long loosely attached. They were shipped in a flat cardboard envelope - no padding whatsoever! It's no wonder that lone 'root start' was about ripped off.

The seller was upset when said I was disappointed in the quality of the items and that I called them runner cuts - and went on about having sold over 1200 items with no negative feedback but yet I only found one other hops vine sold in the past two years of that seller's history. There was no way I could contact that buyer to ask what how theirs were doing.

I went ahead and planted them - time will tell!!!

The one I received in a garden trade last week was 100% better!!! It had a well developed root system and has already put out lots of new growth. The new shoots and leaves are already 6+ inches tall! Am so thrilled with it. Stick with garden trades - I think you'll be much more satisfied.

~ Cat

ps...this is a photo of that those 'rhizomes' looked like. If that seller had posted a photo of what they were really sending I would not have wasted my money!

Thumbnail by TexasPuddyPrint
Edinburg, TX

Now this is the one I got in trade :o) Much, much, much better quality!!!
Thanks Peggy :o)

~ Cat

Thumbnail by TexasPuddyPrint
Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Your welcome. I just set my potted ones outside a couple days ago and they're already climbing their supports.


Sebastian, FL(Zone 9b)

TexasPuddyPrint, thanks for your info. I'll skip buying online.
Will scout for garden swaps/trades.

Edinburg, TX

Well, am still giving those 'rhizomes' their time - I hope to see some sprouts in a few weeks. If not, I'm going to be really ticked off!

Am still so very glad for the hops trade Peggy. Looks like that vine will soon outgrow the pot. Need to figure out where to plant it so that the Question Marks will hopefully use it. I get those butterflies on my citrus trees - I find them feeding on the rotting fruit still hanging from the tree.

~ Cat

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I just raised the back on the greenhouse but the hops in the ground hasn't sprouted yet. Don't know if the ground temps are still too cold or it's because the greenhouse plastic was covering them....time will till.

Cincinnati (Anderson, OH(Zone 6a)

I grow a nursery bought 'golden' kind of hops as a host plant for the butterflies too. It took about 3 years to 'catch on' but now I see why folks call it invasive. I wish I have planted it in the big bucket!

Haven't seen many commas around, though.

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