Anyone have source for wholesale priced stakes?

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 10a)

Yeah-what the title says. I just need so many and it's getting a wee bit pricey to buy them from HD or Lowes, etc. Anyone get decent prices (I'm hoping for $2 or less, since that's about what I pay now/each) from anywhere else? Thanks.


(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

What material are you looking for in a stake? The inexpensive ones I've bought over the years simply can't take the weight of many dahlias so now I'm a rebar gal.

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 10a)

Well, newbie that I am, I've only used wood. But I've never had the amount (of plants) I have now. I've been eyeballing the rebar, but haven't taken the plunge. Definitely open to suggestions, if there's a better deal, etc.


There is a possible value in using re-bar relative to static electric taking nitrogen direct to your plant roots. Then they just do not wear out. Once bought is done forever.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Agreed. I was not thrilled with the look of rebar but the performance was excellent.


I've been driving re-bar into my garden to attract static electricity for years. Like anything else it can be just a few stakes or quite an elaborate line up.

Delhi, IA

Doing about 30 a year in 3 years I finally have enough re-bar. I would steel wool them, then spray paint them John Deere green, since that's what was in the basement. Don't even show up after the plants reach blooming height.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

So then whata do you do to attach the plant to the rebar?

clinton, MI(Zone 5b)

I have been using stakes from Tractor Supply. They are 4 foot long fiberglass stakes that are used for electric fencing... I think.
At $1.09 per stake, they are a real bargain. The ones that I have purchased have been white or gray.

I use them for snow markers along the driveway in the winter and to support my dahlias in the summer.

Pinellas Park, FL(Zone 10a)

Can you post a picture of them if you get time. I don't need any more (I hope) this season, but maybe for next year. That's a great price.


Every garden should have a few raw rusty rebar stakes. They will help gather static electricty and deliver nitrogen via that method.

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

I am trying these this year. I have about 60 dahlias to plant and hated the wood stakes I had last year. That much rebar wasn't in the budget, I am hoping these are strong enough.

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Really good price on the dual season duty stakes fdr.

Gwendalou I used to use pantyhose/hose (nylon lasts for years) or cut up t shirt strips- (last 2 seasons max.) Now I use 1/2" plastic tie tape in droves. I'd try to reuse it, but that is a total pain when it's so busy digging and putting away in the fall/winter. It's very inexpensive. I hated the wider version of this type of tape: inflexible, difficult to handle. So stay with 1/2" if you should choose plastic tie.

Docgipe, every time I read about rebar and electricity I get scared I'm going to fry in the garden! Without more than a mere smidgeon of a chemistry or physics lesson, how does the rebar impart the nitrogen into the soil?


When lightening stikes tons of nitrogen are created over a large area. On a day by day basis very small amounts of static electricity connects with the iron working as an attrator and electrical ground that delivers the same in a very small but consistant way. You will not fry in your garden.

As any large electrical force moves through the ground and goes up into the atmosphere we see lighting all along its route. Lightening really does go from the ground up. The nitrogen is created in the ground by the force of static electricity moving through the ground. Your iron stakes give it a designated point of excape. You see nothing. You feel nothing from the small amounts in non storm conditions. In fact you would not see anything in storm conditions because the conductor is to small.

Do not paint your iron or you will lose this factor working in your gardens. You can research this using Google but you now know all the basics. Just go ahead and do it but don't bother trying to explain this to most. Most are going to die believing lightening comes down out of the sky to get them. How would many believe you could control small amounts of static electric in your garden soil?

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

But do you just tie the main stem (I thought we pinched that off) to the stake? Or just the stems that are falling over? Or which stems exactly do we tie? I've read things that indicate the main stem, but since I've already pinched that off, I don't have a main stem!

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Wow- fascinating stuff docgipe. Google fodder for a rainy day or night. I would have been one who died thinking lightning came from above downward. Thanks for spelling that out.

Gwendalou, by breaking off the leader tip of the main stalk, you encourage laterals which bring more flowers and a fuller, heavier plant. When they're about 15-20" or so just encircle the main stalk with a gentle tie and secure it to the stake. As the plant fills out with branches/flowers, you add more ties or move one up to keep the branches supported.

In general, a gentle hug of the plant with a tie, cinch it up a bit, rearrange the branches if needed, secure it to the stake or just tie it well to itself, and you're done. If you're doing 3 plants on one stake, I'd make it a sturdy stake well-anchored in the soil. Hope that helps.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

doc you are amazing. Thanks everso.


Well thank you. May I assure you I am nothing but a "Roads Scholar". I travel many roads and always have just to talk with other folks just about anything. I read a lot and now use Google so much I think the guy knows my touch. LOL Google is a guy is he not? LOL

I was not an excellent academic student in college. I drove the professors nuts asking questions or for illustrations of what they claimed was gospel. I tried never to let college get in the road of my education. I've seen to many profs that could quote their book cover to cover but did not know there was a possible incorrect statement of unproven data on page #16. I saw others using a friends book without having read it themselves until the course was being taught. You use my book and I'll use yours is not often in the best interest of the student. I remember the guy that was making wine on his side porch and raising bees on the flat roof of the side porch. He also made maple syrup each spring. His interested students were always free to learn. In 1960 his gardens were no till under permanent mulch. He did not need a fancy name or book to explain the process. He just did it. At age sixty he built an experimental airplane and flew it all over the area. His peers thought him to be a bit coo-key. However the student body left secured him as a class advisor. He died being my one of three all time great professors. The others may never understand that.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Doc - you have my applause! You certainly did it "your way". Hurray!

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Real disappointed in my order that arrived today. When I first found the ad it said a pack of 20 for 10.45 plush shipping...I ordered 4 figuring I was getting 80 stakes for 60 dollars...NO got 4 stakes! Ouch...they are getting a phone call in the morning...I feel a refund coming my way. They are not worth that kind of money!

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

What?!?!? Wow, I'd be so mad and so disappointed. As I'm sure you are. Let us know what happens.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

OMG luvs. Don't take no for an answer (grrrrrr)

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

That is such a raw deal and still leaves you stakeless. Can you find the original ad anywhere to show them? Definitely ask for a refund and let us know how they respond.

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Here is the original ad that took me to who I ordered through Does everyone else read it like I did...that it was 20 stakes in a pack? Did I misunderstnd it?

I sent them an email this morning and their response was to send another email to a support center which I did. They said average response time is two to three days.

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

I can see "(Pack of 20)" plain as day, but I can't get either Amazon Marketplace or to show up when redirected from this dealtime site. Am using IE vs Firefox at the moment, but I'll keep trying. It seems a misleading way to advertise a quantity and a price in one place and then have it be something wholly different in the end. At the very least, they should accept the return and pay for shipping back. Hopefully they'll be accommodating and not snarky.


I would have questioned this advertised pack of 20 only because I know the pricing on construction re-bar at the big box stores. I would have known something was wrong for this reason only.

You have been hoodwinked. Scream.....don't speak softly. Agreed ask for your money plus return shipping costs. Don't settle for less. If you paid by credit card or debit card you can enter a stop pay in the form of a credit because you did not get what you paid for. Stand strong.....They if they are a crooked firm play all kinds of games. The Chinese did this to me to the tune of hundreds of dollars. It took time but I finally won the credit by virtue of the credit card company back charging the Chinese firm. It proved out that they had even copied the American Firm's Advertising....word for word.

Right now befor the advertisement can be removed.....make a copy of it and keep at least three copies. Keep copies and dates of all attempted communication with copies of all mail.. Pick up the phone and notify your credit card company fraud department and ask for guidance. Notify whatever firm or company you used to send them the money. Ask for advisement.

Every day counts. Make your calls today yet or Monday for sure.

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks Doc, I made a copy of the ad and saved it to my desk top...I hadn't thought about them pulling the ad. I paid through paypal right from my checking account, so I can't stop payment.

I feel so dumb, thought I was getting a great price ):o

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

Doesn't Paypal have a "stop" or "withhold" program on deals gone bad? I don't know what you call it, but similar to a credit card's claim/complaint department.

Did you call the stake company, Ronnie?

Glad you took care of your beef with the Chinese company Docgipe. You sound like a formidable consumer!

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

So far I have email in with, Bond Manufacturing and Caldwell Co. were they were shipped from. Hopefully someone will help me get to the bottom of this. I really just want the stakes and am hoping I will still get them although I am doubtful. If not, a refund with shipping will be due me for sure. If I don't have any answers buy Monday I will be on the phone. I will be contacting paypal on Monday to see if there is anything they can due. I know you have to put in a dispute which I will do if I don't get anywhere with the companies.


Do your company contact by Email first. Keep copies of all mail. If you go to US Mail register it. INCLUDE a copy of the mis--leading advertisement. Do not go with any adult signature or the mailed back notice that it was delivered. These two get you nothing but lost time.

Contact Pay Pal......To me they are most difficult to deal with. I canceled my direct pay bank account with them years ago. I use my credit card through Pay Pal and disregard the invitation to reopen my personal accounts within Pay Pal. I do not know how they do it but they will take my credit card numbers and pay the company. That gives me the credit card company to work with on fraudulent sales. Pay Pal must get paid for forwarding the credit card or crediting their account and then they pay the company.

Contact your bank. If the debit to your account has not been made stop the payment. There is a fee for this service. ASK about the fee.

In today's market it is most likely good advise to not accept or send bank certified checks and of course not your private checks. That gives anyone all our banking data on the checks and no support like the credit cards give.

An even more difficult road is to file for payment through the US Post Office as fraudulent advertising but only if the company shipped through the Post Office. And only if you have a whole bunch of time to invest. The only thing they do in a speedy manor is deliver the mail.

You can use politics by asking your State Attorney General how to file a fraudulent claim. They do keep lists of such firms and sometimes stop firms from dealing within your state.

I have never checked the common shippers. They may have help if their service was used to create fraud.

If you use the telephone ask for the name of the customer service person. Conclude by asking to check your billing number and date. Be sure and record the time and date in your records.

Sometimes...........if it looks like you are really going to push they will justify the account with you just to get rid of you. The noisy wheel get the oil!

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Thanks Doc, some real good advice!
It's definitely a pain with paypal. I am going to contact the bank to file a fraudulent claim if I don't get anywhere with the company. Will do the same through paypal too. They were delivered through UPS, my neighbor works for them I think I will ask him if they can do anything, but other than filing a fraudulent charge I don't see how they would feel responsible. Dang it I really wanted those stakes!

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

I heard back from the company and they offered me a 50% refund or a return of the stakes plus postage. I decided to take the discount since that would bring the price to about what my nursery sells them for and I need them anyway. They said the ad is incorrect. I did say in my response back that the ad should be removed. (it hasn't yet) I guess I will just have to buy some rebar a little at a time. Live and learn I guess, as always, buyer beware of a deal to good to be true!! LOL

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

If you're happy with the price and need the stakes, then everybody wins. Hope they amend the ad for future shoppers though. I think you let them off easily, but at least they compromised some. Happy staking!

Salt Lake City, UT(Zone 5b)

On those stakes you're keeping luvsgrtdanes, do they seem strong enough to hold dahlias?

I believe these are the same ones and if you can find a local shop that they can ship to it seems like a good deal:

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Yes SoniaUtah, they aren't as good as the rebar but they seem strong enough. They are the same ones I ordered.

Issaquah, WA(Zone 7a)

I should check labels, but yesterday I broke a stake that looks very similar to these leaning on it too high up to get it sunk in my rock bed a.k.a garden. I was surprised how thin the steel lining was! Out of ~1/2" overall width I'd guess 3/8" was hollow, 1/16th" plastic coating, then same of steel on both sides. (Am I doing fuzzy math again? LOL) Should snap a photo.... but my input would be to put pressure on these type of stakes from low down toward the ground, to avoid bending/breaking.

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