Wanted: seeds for three sisters garden

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

Wanted: seeds for three sisters garden. Three sisters garden= Corn, beans, squash.

Looking for NON-HYBRID, NON-GMO seeds for a sweet corn, a pole bean (HAS to be a climber), and a winter squash like butternut or buttercup.
The non-hybrid, non-GMO basically rules out commercial seeds, unless they came from an organic non-hybrid company.

I have a ton of seeds to trade with, and my trade list is not up to date, as I need to add about 100 things to it. If you have these (corn, beans, squash), ping me with what you would want for trade.
I have many flowers (annual and perennial), all sorts of herbs (culinary and medicinal), and lots of area native plant seeds.

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)


I know what non-hybrid is but this newbie has no idea what non-GMO
is. I do have some organic beans but not sure if bush or climber.


Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

GMO= genetically modified organism. Here is a reasonable definition - http://www.wisegeek.com/what-does-gmo-free-mean.htm

It's a scientific name for changing the plant's DNA to have it produce certain charateristics. GMO plants can be patented, whereas non-GMO typically aren't.
I prefer non-GMO for many reasons (which I will not discuss here as it could be percieved as a politcial discussion).

Mostly Corn and Soy are a GMO crops. If you have Heirloom corn, or buy/get your seed for an organic grower, it is likely non-GMO. Commerical seed, is a crap shoot.
All that said you could have the best organic seed in the world, and if it pollinates with a GMO corn crop, or a hybrid, your result is GMO/hybrid.

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