Dog Poo Composting

League City, TX(Zone 9a)

First, my apologies if this topic has been re-hashed ad nauseum in recent memory. I have only had time to review (scan) the 3 most recent pages in this forum and I did not see this topic covered.

Well, I have 2 dogs and 2 kids. We like to spend time in the backyard and I am often shoveling poo from one part of the yard to another so no one will step on it. There has to be a safe way to recycle this pet waste, right? I found a system at for about $140 bucks. But, before I make a decision I wanted to see what you guys think or have experienced. Are there better/ cheaper/ DIY systems?

There just has to be a way to break this material down safely, right? I don't care if it takes 2 years.

So, what's the party line on this topic???

This message was edited Mar 14, 2010 7:50 PM

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I use an open bottom bucket, (used from driveway sealer) bury that almost to the rim, use the lid, and when nearly full pull the bucket up, cover that hole and dig another. (As hubby said, tromping down the fill dirt, nothing squishes like s(p)it.)
So I'm not really composting it but just trenching it in various spots around the yard where I never plan to dig for any reason obviously!

There are those who compost it, I have read about it but not sure where. I think by layering it with a carbon, of course you eventually will end up with compost.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Summer composts everything... but she had a lot of space.

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