What wildflowers are blooming now in your area?

NE Medina Co., TX(Zone 8a)

These are small, but I think they're cute! Dwarf White Daisy in the Hill Country of Texas. Yesterday was kinda hot here, but I had to get out and see wildflowers!

Thumbnail by LindaTX8
NE Medina Co., TX(Zone 8a)

It wouldn't be spring here without Texas Bluebonnets! Because of the unusually cold winter, some say some plants are running as much as 3 weeks late in leafing out or blooming...but these sure are blooming, I just had to look a bit harder for them! Oh...I was in San Antonio when I took the pics...my area is not far from S.A., but the bluebonnets on my place are just starting to develop flowerbuds because I'm up in the hills, so a bit cooler here.

Thumbnail by LindaTX8
NE Medina Co., TX(Zone 8a)

And also a prickly bush called Agarita blooms early here. I love those lemony little blossoms and bees love them just as much! Berries will follow later.

NE Medina Co., TX(Zone 8a)

Obviously, I clicked too soon! Agarita...

Thumbnail by LindaTX8
Essex Junction, VT(Zone 4a)

I'm jealous. Up here in Zone 4, things are barely coming up from the ground let alone blooming!

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

No wildflowers here yet. Do have crocus and Iris reticulata blooming. Daffodils, hyacinths, and tulips getting ready to open. I think I saw a couple of my wildflowers in a bed are just beginning to come up.

NE Medina Co., TX(Zone 8a)

No crocus or iris...I don't even have crocus planted. I did have narcissus blooming last week. Now, the anemones...mostly white ones, but I saw this one in the yard and it was so cute it was one of those be-still-my-heart moments!
Going to mark it for seeds!

This message was edited Mar 16, 2010 12:32 PM

Thumbnail by LindaTX8
Canton, GA(Zone 7b)

That anemone is absolutely beautiful.

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Wow, pretty color. I've only seen white/pink/lavender wind flowers here, along with prairie onion and summer snowflake, and prairie verbana has been out for a while. Just starting are sundrops, the agarita, false dayflower, and tharps spiderwort. Just barely barely the bluebonnets. I'd say we're four weeks behind and probably more after today's cold front, but yall further north, keep hanging on, spring is coming.

Murphysboro, IL(Zone 6b)

Lots of spring ephemerals grow in my woods, and the leaves aren't even up yet! No trout lily yet, no trilliums, no wild ginger.... All that's blooming here are garden flowers: the earliest daffodils, and a few sweet violets (and my hyacinths look like they'll open any day now!).

NE Medina Co., TX(Zone 8a)

Well, this isn't a wildflower, but it was blooming along the side of the highway yesterday. Texas Madrone, Arbutus xalapensis, a small tree in the Ericaceae family.

Thumbnail by LindaTX8
NE Medina Co., TX(Zone 8a)

Fendler's Bladderpod, Lesquerella Fendleri, one of my favorite spring wildflowers!

This message was edited Mar 24, 2010 5:12 PM

Thumbnail by LindaTX8
Syracuse, NY

bloodroot, saw the first violets today

Thumbnail by garyon
Bardstown, KY(Zone 6a)

Bloodroot from Sunday.


Thumbnail by postmandug
NE Medina Co., TX(Zone 8a)

Wow! Pretty...wonder if that could be grown here!

Bardstown, KY(Zone 6a)

I'd say it needs a cold spell in the winter to grow correctly. What are your winters like?


NE Medina Co., TX(Zone 8a)

Most are fairly mild. On rare occasion into the upper teens. This last winter was BAD, however. Frequent freezes and one under 13°. Yes, that's bad here!

Bardstown, KY(Zone 6a)

Linda, check with DG member loess_roots. Rod sent me some Bloodroot last fall at VERY reasonable prices along with a lot of extra stuff.


Linden, TX(Zone 8a)

I purchased some bloodroot seeds this year and planted in October but have not germinated yet. I have them in the refrigerator right now. Said it may take up to a year to get it to germinate.

Syracuse, NY

Bloodroots are in bloom now. Not much else coming up.

Thumbnail by garyon
Jasper, AR(Zone 7a)

We have Bellwort (Uvularia) blooming. The toothwort (Dentaria) is finishing up. Anemones, Violas, Phlox and bloodroot are also blooming.

Thumbnail by Hillbilly_Gran
Jasper, AR(Zone 7a)

Last spring I found these Violas with streaked blooms. I transplanted them to my flower bed. It is nice to see they are still streaked.

Thumbnail by Hillbilly_Gran
Murphysboro, IL(Zone 6b)

Spring came quickly! We now have toothwort, spring beauties, trout lilies, Dutchman's breeches, several different violets (including the cute little yellow ones), and the first few Virginia bluebells.

Syracuse, NY

Trout lilies, violets, yellow trillium, vinca, wild cherry

Thumbnail by garyon
Syracuse, NY

wild cherry

Thumbnail by garyon
Syracuse, NY

yellow trillium

Thumbnail by garyon
Quincy, FL(Zone 8b)

I have a whole stand of blue toadflax along the road, about 200' x 10', interspersed with red curly dock, some low whites that I haven't identified yet, primrose on the bank, some kind of low yellow composite, almost dandelion-like, and some tiny blue bell things on 12" thin stems. HAVE to get the camera working! Lots of blackberry in the devastation the timber company left, with isolated patches of toadflax and hawk weed. It's been too wet to get down in the woods and look for jack-in-the-pulpits.

NE Medina Co., TX(Zone 8a)

Texas Dandelion, Pyrrhopappus multicaulis. Growing up, I thought this was THE dandelion...didn't know there was another one. I guess we never had the nonnative dandelion in our lawn. This one probably isn't edible, but it is SO pretty!

Thumbnail by LindaTX8
Divernon, IL(Zone 5b)


Thumbnail by jmorth
Divernon, IL(Zone 5b)

Dutchman's Breeches

Thumbnail by jmorth
Divernon, IL(Zone 5b)

Claytonia - 'Spring Beauty'

Thumbnail by jmorth
Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Bird's foot violet var. bicolor

Thumbnail by greenthumb99
Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Early Saxifrage

Thumbnail by greenthumb99
Quincy, FL(Zone 8b)

TO LindaTX8. That certainly looks like it. I found one today almost a foot tall, but it was growing in better soil than my "lawn". I haven't seen a real dandelion since I left Illinois, and I had enough there to eat the greens in the spring and make wine later. Thanks for the photo.

Bardstown, KY(Zone 6a)



Thumbnail by postmandug
Bardstown, KY(Zone 6a)

Dwarf Crested Iris.

Thumbnail by postmandug
Bardstown, KY(Zone 6a)

Native dogwood.

This message was edited Apr 15, 2010 10:17 PM

Thumbnail by postmandug
Syracuse, NY


NE Medina Co., TX(Zone 8a)

We got a LOT of rain in the last few days and this poor primrose plant was in sad shape, just about the whole thing laying on the ground. But it bloomed for the first time this year, so I pulled it up a little for a pic. Squarebud Primrose, not looking its best, but still pretty!

Thumbnail by LindaTX8
Divernon, IL(Zone 5b)

wild blue phlox

Thumbnail by jmorth

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