Need recommendations...

Wiggins, MS(Zone 8b)

Need suggestions for clematis to grow up the filigree post at each corner of my porch. Growing conditions are zone 8b, one side gets full sun all day - the other is full sun till 1pm, then shade [bright indirect light] from a big oak tree. The apartment building is dark red brick. Would prefer rebloomers but not a have to. Just want something that would stand out. Pruning catagory doesn't matter either. All help with this decision is appreciated.

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

My polish spirit really took off and it's a real nice clematis.

Also I would look at Ville de Lyon

Wiggins, MS(Zone 8b)

Thank you diamond for the quick answer. I have been to Silver Star Vinery before but it's been a while and I had forgotten their name. Thanks for your suggestions also, they are beautiful. Earnest Markham is the only clematis I've gown and that was in a pot at a different residence. I plan on spending some time checking out SSV.

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

You will definatley be happy with the plants. Have fun! Happy Gardening!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I am just mad about Polish Spirit as well..I like "Voluceau" & "Galore" or "Comtesse de Bouchard"..I would definitely put a pruning group 3 in the area with the most sun and pruning group 2 where you said it gets full sun until 1Pm..we both live in zone 8B and I find that the 2's do best in alotta morning sun with a bit of filtered light or shade in the hot can check out Donahue's..their clematis are fabulous and only $9.98 !!

If you tell me what colours tickles your fancy then we can narrow the options for you...Hope this has helped..Jeanne

This message was edited Mar 13, 2010 8:09 AM

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

Hi Joyce!, did you have a chance to look around?? I am curious as to what you decided on. I'm sure you'll pick the best you can.

Wiggins, MS(Zone 8b)

Hello again. I've looked at the Silver Star Vinery website and fallen in love with Daniel Deronda. Also love Burbon and Crystal Fountain for containers as they are 3 to 6 feet. Haven't gone through all of Donahue's site yet but am crazy about their photo of Asao. Ahhh decisions decisions! Will let you know what I decide. Thank ya'll for all the help.

Baton Rouge, LA

Joyce, there are lots of good places to purchase clems. Don't limit yourself to just two sources! Here's a link to an old thread that has shots of the babies that came from four or five different sources and lots of comments from folks chiming in about their experiences:

There are also a few more vendors that are new this year or have greatly expanded their offerings. Take a peek at Garden Watchdog to find more by searching for vendors that carry clematis.

Evey =)

Wiggins, MS(Zone 8b)

Hey Evey, I'll do that. I hadn't even gone to the watchdog for clems. Where is my mind? Probably still in the potting soil.

Russell, ON(Zone 5a)

Hello joycerogers0713

I once had a Crystal Fountain, purchased from an online source going only by photographs and a short description. It was quite disappointing in reality when the colours opened a faded grey and never seemed to meet the hype. Perhaps my conditions in 7b did not suit that clematis?

Learned my lesson and now I Google images of the prospective plant to see the good, bad and ugly representations before buying.

There are many beautiful Clematis to choose from - good hunting!

Baton Rouge, LA

Well, I'm in the same climate as Joyce (8b). Here's is a bloom from my Crystal Fountain this past season. I was not disappointed in it at all!

Thumbnail by BlissfulGarden
Baton Rouge, LA

Here is another view. This was at the end of last summer. The colors did not fade, even in our 100+ degree temps.

Thumbnail by BlissfulGarden
Wiggins, MS(Zone 8b)

a5footsea - sorry your Crystal Fountain didn't fair well for you in your zone. The post from BlissfulGarden, who is in my zone, and her lovely pics has convinced me to go with it as one of my choices. I just pray it performs as well for me once it gets established. Thanks Blissful for the photos and the comment. Joyce

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I agree with Evey...Clematis "Crystal Fountain" is a star in my gardens...She is one of the first clematis to bloom for me in Spring!!..Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

That's great to hear! I have a big plant coming this spring! I shouldn't have to wait long for blooms!

Wiggins, MS(Zone 8b)

I just wanted to thank each of you for helping me make my decision. I'm thinking from the response that Clematis 'Crystal Fountain' just likes the weather of the south. I'm 38 miles north of the Gulf of Mexico in Mississippi. I'll let everyone know later how my clematis does here. Joyce

Baton Rouge, LA

Nope, you shouldn't have to wait long at all, Dan. Mine bloomed twice this past season starting with a 3-1/2" plant from Donahue's that was planted late in the season. =)

Baton Rouge, LA

P.S. - Joyce, if you want other suggestions of those that will perform for you, check out JeanneTX's garden journal or mine. We're both in your zone and have clems listed in our journals.

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

I babied nine small plants from the Koi co-op last year, I was a lucky one and got all the plants I ordered. I think they came from Donahues. I hope they make through the winter. They all grew nice roots all summer, I kept them trimmed short they looked nice and healthy by the end of the summer. So, that's alway's an option for the smaller plants, plant them in one gallons and baby them.

Baton Rouge, LA

Nope, not for me.. I just stuck them all in the garden and let them go! No babying necessary. All of the clems from last year are budding out just fine. Sadly, I can't say the same for many of my other plants after this winter, but all of the clems proved very hardy indeed!

From my understanding, Koi sent out 2-1/2" clematis. He kept giving the excuse that his shipments weren't on time because he was still waiting for his own shipments from Bluebird.

Edit: Interestingly, though, his ad here in the Marketplace clearly says they are from Donahue's in the 2-1/2" size... which makes me wonder why he mentioned shipping problems from Bluebird in his posts. Here's a link to his ad:

The retail clematis that Donahue's offers to the general public aren't the 2-1/2" size. The smaller size is intended for nurseries who grow them out further before selling them.

This message was edited Mar 18, 2010 7:31 PM

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I haven't examined all of Koi's plant sticks but one I saw today definitely said Donahue's.

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

We had a lot of snow during the coldest of the winter months. It has proven to be a good insulator. My plants look realativly unscathed from old man winter. Hopefully we continue to be on the milder side. If we do, it should be a great spring with lots of bloom.

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