Seeds for SASE

Orangeburg, SC

You will get basically whatever I am overun with LOL. It will be a suprise pack. I just have to many seeds. If you want some I can do 3 SASE for now. You need to send @ least 2 stamps and and envie prefilled out. Please note Suprise SASE on it. Thanks BrandyThe first 3 to respond on here will get it.

Parkersburg, WV

Okay Jumpin4 joy I will take one please.

Thanks taj

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I'd like a surprise pack. I'll put envie and stamps in the mail tomorrow.


Grandview, TX(Zone 8a)

Me too me too.

Envie in the mail tomorrow.


Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

shoot one too late.

Orangeburg, SC

One to late lol ILL email if I have some left. LOL

To the rest. Get your stamps in the mail.

Parkersburg, WV

Mine is going out in morning.

Thanks Brandy.


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Hi Everyone.

Hey, Brandy, just wanted you to know I Winter Sowed your Hollyhock seeds in December and they're sprouting.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Brandy, Just to let you know I put my envie in the mail this morning.

Grandview, TX(Zone 8a)

Envie out to you today :)

Thank you,

Orangeburg, SC

I will be on the look out.

FOTV thats great I hope you enjoy. I did.

Parkersburg, WV

Jumpi, recieved envie today thanks,

Orangeburg, SC

I will be getting the rest of you all seeds together today. Sorry I was sick all weekend on top of everything else.BLAH! :)

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Got my seeds today. Love the mix. Got somethings I had wanted and somethings that I will love to grow.

Thank you very much. I'll post pictures when I get everything in bloom.


Orangeburg, SC

Im glad you were happy. Id love to see pics. Thank Brandy

Grandview, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you soo much for such a wonderful selection of seeds. I am very thankful. I have already planted a few :-)


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