Purple/Pink Pigface where to get in Perth

Perth, Australia

I'm after some Purple/Pink Pigface, a neighbour grew it when I was a kid, flowers were about 60mm in diameter with fine daisy like petals, very profuse flowering, almost covering the plant completely.

The leaves were from memory round not triangle like some I've seen on this forum.

I've asked at a couple of nurseries/garden centres who looked at me strangely and said it grows wild...How could we sell it or similar comments.

I've never seen it growing other than in someones garden....of course now I want to plant some I can't find any.

I'm aware it can get out of hand and intend to contain it.

barmera, Australia

Bille1 Have you tried the Native Nurseries? Otherwise maybe when you see another plant somewhere go in and ask them if you can have a piece. Pigface grow really easily from pieces so you shouldn't have any problem. Good luck. Colleen

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

i wont suggest coles 'bille',i'll get shot

Barmera, Australia

Would your "Pig Face" be one of the Lampranthus genus?

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