long blooming clematis suggestions

Pasco, WA(Zone 6b)

I am looking for clematis that have a long blooming time or off and on type bloom cycle. Any suggestions?
Thank you,

Thumbnail by Sherrygirl
Pasco, WA(Zone 6b)

No suggestions?

Jersey Shore, NJ(Zone 7a)

Well, this is going to sound weird, but almost all of them. Generally, very generally, they give their best bloom in the spring/early summer and then bloom again when the heat of summer has passed. You can help it along with some pruning in midsummer, especially the group 2.

Toledo, OH(Zone 5b)

any peticular colors you looking for?? Polish Spirit is a long bloomer, it's purple.

Athens, PA

My longest blooming clematis is Roguuchi. I seem to get a bloom over most of the summer. What type of clematis are you looking for? The integrefolias are really nice too and I get a longer bloom period with those than I do the others.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I agree with venu209. My best long bloomer is Nelly Moser. It's a case of the right plant in the right spot - not any expertise on my part.

Thumbnail by pirl
Navan, Ireland

'Comtesse de Bouchard' is a really tough plant and will flower from June onwards with a second flush in autumn. It's pink colour is a bit insipid but a great grower.

Dayton, OH

This Blue Light Clematis is suppose to bloom from late Spring to early Fall. I bought one from R.D. will see next year how it really looks.

Thumbnail by roseycats
(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I currently have about 100 clematises ranging in age from four new ones to others 18 years old and Jackmanii is the only one that continually produces flowers. What articles say about the bloom times and what is reality are two different things.

Athens, PA

The longest bloomer I have is Roguuchi. He blooms all Summer....

Dayton, OH

What does Roguuchi Clematis look like?

Dayton, OH

I had a Jackmanii at one time, but it did'nt bloom that long. Must of had a bad one

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

When you're curious about what a plant looks like just go to Plant Files, type in the plant and the cultivar name and you'll get the answer:

http://davesgarden.com/guides/pf/go/77519/ (Roguchi)

The Jackmanii's I have by the compost bins grow much larger and flower much more than the others so it tells me they love to be fed.

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