Seed Swap & Chat # 54 sowing and growing

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Hey... I put my Nicotiana on the heat mat (78 degrees)... right or wrong? I've got 'Perfume Deep Purple' and N. langsdorfii in the seed flat, and I really want them to sprout! I could probably have WS'd them, but it seems to me I tried that last year without success.

I've got a whole row of tiny purple-leafed 'Pretty Purple Pepper' (the round ones) plants coming along... those little plants are so cute at the edge of borders or containers!

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Critter, my book says 70-75°, but I've got some WS'd that are sprouting outside. Thinking they're not too picky ;-)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Uggggg... it's snowing again!!! this is JUST not right.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Thanks for checking that, KL! They'll probably sprout up quick as bunnies on that heat mat.

Sorry about the snow... guess I shouldn't mention Joyanna's crocus lawn in full glory...

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Critter you WS your Nicotiana last year and it didn't come up I figured that one would be an easy one I was just getting ready to WS mine guess I won't do it! I'm glad you mentioned that!

Aw wind look at your kitty trying to decide which seed tray to get into lol There is no way I could have my seeds where the cats could get to them last year they were walking right on top of them when I had my set up in the livingroom LOL You have some nice looking babies there :)

herbsprit, didn't get a picture of that weed yesterday and probably won't today need to get out there and dig some more plants up to transplant out of the bed out back gosh I can hardly move this morning my back is hurting so bad lol Need to get my body back in shape for all of this abuse this summer LOL I dug that Canadian Thistle up for two hours and still I haven't made a dent in it it's every where I look!

Terese, sorry about your snow I'm hoping we still get some here and we probably will around the last of the month, I still have seeds I need to pitch I should have pitched them a long time ago but didn't figure it would get warm this soon all I can do is pray we get more snow LOL We are having storms tonite a good time to get out and transplant. I did about 20 pots of mostly columbines yesterday.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Critter, how about a picture of that beautiful lawn and baby :)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

oh no, go right ahead and WS your Nicotiana... I'm pretty sure it should work. I didn't have that many seeds left, so I opted for an indoor start this year.

Here's Joyanna's crocus lawn... for photos of her among the blooms, see the latest "miracle of hope & joy" thread in the prayer forum. :-)

Thumbnail by critterologist
Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I thought I had WS Nicotiana a long time ago but couldn't remember the results but they do reseed lol Thanks!

I've been busy transplanting babies from my flower beds today such a great day to work outside almost raining, not quite raining lol Sprinkles here and there I love days like these :) My back doesn't lol

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

TCS our weather was so far from snow today, t-shirt, shorts and sandals weather. Cooler air w/rain on the way though.

Critter, your crocus patch is cheery :) and ditto on the round, little, pepper plants being really nice in a border. I had them planted every other in a border with pink salvia (from Chele's garden I think). I really liked how it looked. They bordered a flower patch that included purple d'oro daylilies, green nicotiana, verbena hastata and pink phlox.

I planted several more seed flats for inside today, plus a few rows of arugula and mesclun greens outside. And, we still have a bag full of swap seeds to go!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

wind, I think those swap seeds mulitply when we aren't looking LOL I need to do some WS with all of this rain we are having tonite then get to seed tray sowing again probably Tues.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

a few yrs ago, I got the white Nicotiana from Chantell -- i know I had a big plant, whether it was a few together, i can't recall. but i did not get any volunteers the next year. this year i have red. hope it germinates for me.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I pitched some seeds, a lot really, from the 'perfume lime' from Chele last year hoping they will come up in my moon garden not sure how they are going to look with my moon vine they will be right at the bottom of it. I have two white foxgloves there too but looks like they died not sure do they die all the way to the ground? I don't have much luck with foxgloves they do great as seedlings then when I plant them they die! I put compost in with them and even water them lol

Anywho, Terese this is my first year to have the red nicotiana I'm excited keep aiming to get seeds for them and never do lol I'll be planting my 'lipstick' ones too I really like those because they are a dark wine color :)

Oh! I can't wait LOL

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I recall collecting seeds from Nicotiana is easy... though i never did it. for some reason, i did not care for it. either the White or just the Plant.... guess i'll find out with the Red... either i'll love it or I wont.

I was at Target today... havent been there in yrs... anyhooo... i was looking for ceramic pots to transplant my aloe [that has been growing like weeds]
and i found the 'seed rack'. I ended up getting some Scabiosa ... Summer "something" Berry Mix? but gorgeous colors. 2" blooms.... nice pinks/lavs/ and deep Berry.

**Anyone seen Ella?? I know her son is in town, but thought he went to his dad's already.
I just havent 'seen' her in days and wanted to know if she got the package i sent.

Carolyn -- have you heard from her?


Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

The only thing I don't like about Nicotiana is it looks messy all the time everything sticks to their leaves weed seeds and everything :) They are easy to collect wish I had saved some from the purfumed lime incase they didn't grow from the ones I pitched.

I hope she didn't fool with the electric in her greenhouse again! That's what I hate about our friends on the net we can't just check up on them! She did say on one of the cubits forums that if she came up missing she would be with her son maybe he came back for a while.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

yes -- quite gangly.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I potted up basils this afternoon. 10 kinds. :-) Blue Spice, Clove, Hot & Spicy, Lemon, Lime, Magical Michael, Minette, Purple Ruffles, Serata, Thai Siam Queen.

I decided to use 48 cell flats (rather then the deeper 36 cell sheet pots), figuring I'd save space that way... but then I decided to separate the seedlings into smaller clumps (just 3 in a clump) to give them a little more root room in their cells... I ended up with five and a half flats of basil, including one whole flat of Italian basil that I potted up a couple days ago! 5.5 x 48 = 264! I think I'll have some extras to give to friends. LOL

The other half flat is occupied by 2 dozen 'Pretty Purple Pepper' seedlings (I do most peppers in the larger, deeper pots... but these little plants are fine in the smaller cells). I still have to pot up sweet peppers and tomatoes, plus various flowers (petunias, annual vinca, nicotiana, lobelia, etc.). And I thought i probably wouldn't fill my shelves this year... riiiiiight.

No sprouts yet from the amaryllis seeds I sowed, but I know they're fresh (because I harvested them), so they should do fine. I decided a wanted a flat or so of sweet alyssum to tuck around, but I couldn't find my packet -- so I picked up a pack for *20 cents* at WalMart! Definitely better than paying 2 or 3 dollars for a 6-pack of them, and it's fun to have as a whole flat to play with! I sowed them in the same little takeout container I used for my Italian basil, and I'll clump transplant them, also.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Good morning! We got a real downpour last night, which I wasn't expecting. My poor WS containers are out in the open on the deck... hope they're ok! First, I lose a few to heat stroke (it was in the 70s the other day, and took me a while to realize I'd better open them up.) and now I let them drown! Actually, it's light enough now I think I'll go check on them...

Have a great day!!

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

A bunch of wintersown seeds are germinating here after several nice days in a row. Many from the Piggy Swap sprouting, 41 containers of the initial 100 I sowed are up!

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

WS seedlings are tough! All look to be fine after a mighty downpour last night. My inside seedlings would never have survived :)

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

When I get out it's kind of chilly out now not even 30 degrees :) Maybe I'll find I have a lot up too :) I have't gotten 100 jugs sown yet lol I'm lucky if it's 50 lol Just counted by my spreadsheet and it's only 35 :) I have more jugs waiting to be planted does that count lol I'm getting too slow in my old age!

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

>>I'm getting too slow in my old age!

LOL... arent we all. *wink wink*

I need more soil.

I usually get that at Sam's, but i may run to PlattHill Nursery just to see what i dont need... along with Brew&Grow ... they've got neat stuff there I need some of cheap plant markers for my WS containers.

DH needs the car this afternoon... so i'll be home-bound this afternoon. [we have our other 2 cars in storage for the winter so only my wagon is available ] i think the stores are open by 10... so i should get rolling...

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I'm dragging my tail and fighting with puter on Dg. Even on foxfire having problems with pages loading and seeing text outside of boxes.

Tcs. Nope package hasn't arrive d yet, but ya got me all curious as to what it is. Hopefully it will coem today. Mail always slow in the back country here. LOL

Had a classified ad on Dg here and a group buy over on Ella's Garden so busy trying to get invoices for it out if puter will work for me.

Have had three days straight of rain here and some of it really rough and wild. Even had hail last night for a bit.

I wishing sun would come out so I can get out in gh and take pics, too with my cheapy camera and flash to get decent pics.

Lebug. I plant d some of the multi colored petunias. One batch maybe can check later did just terrible of the new ones.

Have think Valentine and The white one double are getting ready to start blooming. Have Zinnias developing blooms too and had what I thought was some tall marigolds turned out to be a Cosmos I discovered after I had pinched blooms off and pinched back thinking they was marigolds. uggggggggg

How many of you when you transplant, transplant your peppers all the way down to the cotyledon leaves?

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

You know Ella the peppers will get roots along the stems just like the tomatoes so I don't think you can plant them too deep when they are babies I usually plant my seedlings all the way to the cotyledons.

Take a picture of the valentine petunias when you get a chance I'm wanting to see what a bloom looks like they really looked interesting in the book :)

I haven't even planted my multi colored petunias yet still have three more to plant and haven't transplanted my valentines yet either those are the only ones I have downstairs for now that need to be transplanted.

That rain is going to make your plants grow Ella :) I hate a spring when we don't get any rain all of my plants in the ground are looking so nice and healthy :)) You can sure do without the hail though! I have a hosta coming up in my tub out front that I need to transplant to another spot and just covered that spot with carpet last week or the week before that it will be a while before that grass is dead I'll have to pot him up until I can get him in the ground and I have two huge hostas wondering what I'm going to put them in until I can get them in the ground lol These are those big blue vase shaped hostas I may have to split them to get them planted lol

Just so you have something else to look forward to Ella you will be getting a box from me too when this one plant comes up LOL I love to tease ;P

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I may not plant them all the way down to the cotyledons, but I do set pepper seedlings deeper than they were growing in their seed starting tray... sometimes the buried stem seems to grow roots, sometimes not, but it doesn't hurt them, and it makes them stand up better when you water them in. (I water in seedligns when i first transplant them, and after that I stick with bottom watering.)

I've got some more petunias popping up... some delicately colored ones I picked up from Summer Hill for my MIL.. Dolce Salmon Flambe or something like that, LOL. My burgundy star and double burgundy petunias are coming along, getting their 2nd set of true leaves now... planted 8 seeds of each and only 1 of each didn't germinate.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

I was a bit disappointed that the new multi-colore d ones didn't survive. I did all the petunia s at once, all ha d same treatment, they just slowly withered up and didn't grow.

LOL... I got the neatest new coffee mug in the mail yesterday from Tcs. I said no more having to save my styrofoam coffee cups from the corner stores when I stop and get ga s and wash them out to reuse so I don't wear coffee all over me or have the top pop off , just a s I getting ready to sip and have a wet shirt and pants. I got a rea lcoffee mug that lets ya carry spare coffee packets with it too. Thanks Tcs. It gonna get alot of use.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Glad you like it Ella... hope you like the coffee too, and it's not too strong. I find the other one, the mild, is too weak -- and i figured if it is too strong, you can dilute it, but if it is too weak, you're hosed. [or you use another pack of coffee]

and it really isn't instant coffee.... i think they use such a grind to the bean, that it dissolves -- something like that.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Thanks Critter, I was thinking i was going to have to re transplant a hundred and some peppers as I notice d a couple of the Cal wonder developing roots and the rain we got really packed the soil down around them.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Aw that was sweet Terese! Never even thought about a spill proof coffee mug what a good idea lol I bet that's one less story now we are going to hear from Ella but she will have more to tell I'm sure ;P

Some critter has been digging in my front flower bed this morning hmm I wonder who the culprit was luckilly it didn't hurt anything but it was very close to my Yellow Star columbines! It's bad enough the cats pee in my flower beds I don't have my litter boxes out there yet too much rain to drag them all back in the garage every time :) You know it's a funny thing that feral cats will go in the litter boxes if they are out there I've seen them do it but that is a good thing!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

George...... I finally just opened my mail from yesterday. I almost threw it in the trash, thinking it was just more junk mail and just happened to open it and found a bunch of stamps in there. Why did you send me stamps. Now my whole day is in confusion took me forever to figure out what was going on, then seen your name at the top. LOL

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Neal, I have a coral nymph coming up downstair from you last year I'm soo excited just had to tell you I'm so looking forward to these :)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

LeBug, maybe you could just rim a little area with 2x4's and put down some kitty litter, if you're going to provide a place for feral kitties to do their business... might be worth a try rather than worrying about regular litter boxes filling up with rain...

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

How's that critter just put a small amount of cat litter in there maybe? It's something to think about but I have so many beds that's why I put the litter boxes out there :) Not sure I want that many places made for them. I have the front yard, on both sides of my house four other beds that are quite large and then there is my middle bed that I'm wanting to make a garden in out back, a big box sounds good for the garden lol Oh I'm not sure about that all the cat pee will go into the ground then on rainy days it will smell something awful not having a lot of cat litter in there. I've had summers when we have had rain and dad and I would be sitting on the front porch before I put the litter boxes out there it smelled awful from the cat pee :)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

That's a good point, maybe you do want them to use a container with a bottom, unless you can tuck it far enough into a back corner. I'm glad they at least do use the litter boxes... would they use one of those enclosed boxes so you wouldn't have to worry about rain?

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Great, Lea! A bunch of seeds from you have been germinating here too. The Caryopteris, Canterbury Bells, and Jester's Jacket hardy Geranium have been the latest :-)

Also have Cherry Brandy Ruds from Lala, Verbascum and several Penstemons from Colchie, Snapdragons and Elecampane from ansofan, and Armeria, Xeranthemum, and Tidy Tips from Ella, all germinating nicely! All of the above are wintersown.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Critter the enclosed boxes have holes in them too on the top I bought two for the house and my cats in here wouldn't go in them but I love the deep litter box they come with they don't scratch all of the litter out lol

Neal, I planted my Jester's Jacket down stairs Feb. 21 st. and still don't have babies lol I have babies outside from runners on my plant in the ground lol I'm still WS so think I'll do that :) I've grown them before down stairs don't understand why they haven't germinated but I was going to sell some guess that's what the glitch is all about I have two trays of them going downstairs :) Just to let you know I didn't get runners off of it last year it's first whole year in the ground but have a few this year.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I'm hoping these are weeds.

I've been pulling a lot of them, and with so many of them outside the flower bed ... i'm guessing they are. or hope they are.

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Those are weeds Terese :) I have a bunch coming up in my flower beds and in the grass too.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

that's what i thought. I've been pulling them all out.
after 3 yrs, this is the first year when i am really recognizing most perennials... plus, they are smaller than the weeds.

considering where i plant, it is surrounded by fields full of weeds... so it is a constant battle.

I've got a thread in the WS forum with my "bed progression" with pics of my progress.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Nice to finally have all that experience in your belt for know the perennials now huh :)

Oh, I'll have to go look need to do a couple of things first, of course lol Watering four trays of plants and moving the geraniums down to a cooler shelf ;P

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

here's my thread with photos

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