Seed Swap & Chat # 54 sowing and growing

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Happy St. Patrick's Day! I'm part Irish don't have any green on for now though ouch! Someone pinched me! LOL Was that you Cris lol

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Hey Lea,
I am part irish and indian and probaly heniz57 but nobody pinched me yet lol
hey got green plants so I'm good and the rest of us lol.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Ella said don't forget her or starlight think she had said wanted some said for me to remind you to put her on the list. She haveing to lay down a while so don't forget her ok!!

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

It's been cloudy here since yesterday & my internet just barely works when it is cloudy. But I just have to tell you all this. I ordered some seeds from The Sample Seed Shop on the 14th & my seeds are sitting here in my lap already today! She also sent a couple extra packs of seeds. Also, she only charges $3.00 shipping & I can just glance at the package & see that it cost her more than that to send. Very pleased with my order :)


Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

herbspirit, I was one of them that wanted the comfrey roots. I'll D-mail you also.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

LeBug.... Sending out prayer s for Tony, let us know how he does. Don't know about the other one, but Bonfire gets to about 2 foot tall.

Ants.. Haven't heard about The Sample Seed Shop. Gonna have to check that one out.

Finally the rain today has stopped for a bit. Just when I thought I would have some peace and quiet the squirrels playing tag with each other on the roof now.

Glad I went outside yesterday and got some transplanting done since today was so lousy. Still got more peppers myself to get transplanted.

Need to get more seed going, but not sure what to start with next. Decisions..decisions.. decisions... LOL

I was telling some friends this morning that with all this icky weather I was gonna be a johnny apple seed person and just go from place to place that warm and plant a trail of flower every where I stopped. be my luck I would get lost and just keep going round and round in circle s though.

Eagle Point, OR(Zone 8a)

I have ordered from Remy at the Sample Seed Shop and she is very quick getting the order to you, she packages all her seeds nice and the seed amounts are generous. I ordered mostly tomato seeds from her and she has a great selection. Like Ants said you can't beat $3.00 for shipping!


Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Tony has to go back today and get a cat scan of his stomach so still don’t know anything yet poor thang is scared to death something is really wrong with him and with the MS thing it could be…I just hope it isn’t something really serious.

I sent another order into SH just the other day and have my seeds already sent for some from T&M before that and still haven’t gotten those yet. Not looking at another seed site for fear of getting more seeds! LOL

Did anyone get any of those bicolor petunias that are out now I got some seeds haven’t planted them yet need to get to that

Well since the time change the sun is hitting my jugs on the back porch in the mornings now going to move them to the garage with the others today I’m not ready for those to start sprouting LOL

Yesterday was pretty nice out I started pulling some annual weeds and chicory that is all over the place in my beds out front. My hellebores are so cool their flowers are so big didn’t expect that most of them are white but there is a pink one and a friend on here sent me two more and I was looking at the tag for them and think they are suppose to be blue ones? I think I have a bud on one so I’m waiting to see it :)

My internet has been messing with me the last couple of days for some reason couldn’t get on here!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I didn't get any tye-dye looking petunias, but I did start some "Burgundy Star" I think they're called... burgundy with stripes in the center of the petals, forming a bright white star. I started some double burgundy ones also and will plant them out together. They might end up in my window boxes; somehow I seem to end up starting several sets of plants to maybe use in those boxes (on my deck railing), but whatever doesn't go there will be fine in another border, so it works out.

Hope Tony is OK.

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

Lea save some of that Chicory for me!! Seriously, we don't have much of that in MA. Had tons when I lived in MI. It's a very useful medicinal native plant.

toofew, Lea, and Ella I have you down for comfrey roots. One other person who sent me a dmail too (I have to look at up). I still have lots- and it's for postage or trade, so give a yell (via dmail) if you want any.

We are in the 60's today, and will be all weekend. I'll be breaking ground on the new garden with a clean-up party and ceremonial bonfire. Wish you all lived closer so you could all help me :) (and party with me!)

Here is a pic of the new land. It's going to be a play area, patio with fire pit, and several raised stone bed gardens. We already took down part of the fence last season and removed some trees. This weekend is poison ivy duty- yuck! and general cleanup. Afterward, all the fencing will come down, and there is some serious stone work (nice stone work) on the back side of that fence.

Thumbnail by herbspirit
Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Hope all goe's well for Tony he is lucky to have you to help him. And I was asking Ella yesterday if her internet was acting up lol, guess must be something going on everywhere.
Got more plants got to get done today . Got Kenny's zinna going and did some dianthus yesterday now got to do the marigold for her and going back thru seed to find other things she can pick lol
Just wish weather get in one pattern for spring lol so ready to get warm.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I'll send you some chicory for the comfrey how's that never sent it before hope it makes it lol I'll send it out Monday then if they don't travel well I'll send some seeds I'm sure I'll still have plants after I get thru pulling them all out lol I hate those seeds they spit out everywhere! I must have pulled 50 plants of it just the other day!

Ansonfan wanted some comfrey he's been kind of busy not sure when he will be back on I dmailed him to dmail you.

I've got a few petunias going but still need to start about three more thought it was just one so far I've started Dreams Midnight, and the Valentine. Thanks for the good wishes for Tony Critter he has an appointment for Tomorrow at 5:30 for more tests I just hope they don't have to operate he is so scared, I feel sorry for him :)

It's a beautiful day out and I'm stuck in here planting and transplanting today again lol So far I've only gotten a bunch of pots and seed trays washed now it's time to get to plantng!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks Carolyn, are you planting the seeds from Ella's red dianthus? Those are soo pretty!

I'm trying to get a bunch of seed stuff done so I can play outside the first of the week it's suppose to get to the 80's Tuesday I think? But anyway the weather looks nice for the next few days :))

Gotta get to work!

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Clouds finally left :) Beautiful day today. Got my first blooms from bloodroot that I have been waiting very impatiently for. Oh, first blooms of the year for me in order are Hellebore, Creeping phlox, Crocus, & Bloodroot.

Lots of new sprouts today too, & my very first winter sown tomatoes! I tried to get my Dad to try the winter sowing this year & he just keeps telling me it is too cold there yet :) I even sent him to the ws site & he read up on it, but just won't believe.

Lea, I'm so sorry for your friend Tony. I will put him in my prayers. So sad to be sick when spring is beginning. I will be praying that it is nothing too serious & easily fixed by his doctors.

herbspirit, it was me who dmailed you :)

Hope everyone is having a great day today! :)


Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Herbspirit, I'm sure that area is going to be lovely. Please post updates
as you go along.

Lea, prayers going out for Tony.

When you grow up in Boston you go to China Town for their New Years
celebration, to Southie on St Patrick's Day and the North End on Italian
Feast days. We celebrate Everything :))

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

HI All! Transplanted all day Wednesday, and started outside cleanup, along with the first mowing of the season yesterday. Beautiful day! Wish I could do it again today, but off on a field trip with my daughter's class. It's going to be killing me not to be in the yard! Have something like 50 jugs germinated already. They're popping up like crazy with this warm weather. Supposed to be over 70 today!..speaking of which, I better go check and see if anythings dry before I leave!

Have a wonderful day!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I've got things growing in my jugs too red flax and dame's rocket from bluespiral :) That was yesterday haven't checked them today.

Herbsprit, tell me what kind of chicory you are wanting, I'm not quite sure about this plant I'm pulling it's lacy and little white flowers on it I could have swore that someone said that was chicory too, it's just a few inches high and when it goes to seed you just touch it and they fly out everywhere. I looked the plant chicory up and it shows a blue flower on a taller plant I tried to grow that plant at one time too but it didn't stick around but we have a lot of them out by the highway in the summer, I think, if that's the one you are talking about I'll either get some plants or try and get some seeds for you I've tried to dig it up before and it didn't make it they have a long tap root on them so it might be better if I can get some seeds from it for you. Maybe I just dreamed that that little lacy plant was chicory wish my camera was working I'd show you a picture of it lol I'll take a picture of it today and see what I can do but wouldn't hold my breath for me to send it LOL

Mindy03, soon as I figure this one out I'll see what I can do for you :) But living in Ky. I bet you have it on the highways too. Mindy03 sent me a dmail wanting some too lol

Edmond, OK(Zone 7a)

Hi everyone! I'm catching up with posts...... A few were asking about Gazania Kiss - I have it sprouting outside....I winter sowed it. Did not cover the seeds. I have a lot of my WS germinating right now. I just love spring!

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

LeBug- The Chicory I am looking for is the one in the link -Cichorium intybus.
Here is a great pic of the flower-

It sounds like you have something different. Can you take a pic of it? (It might be too early for the blooms). I'm just curious as to what it is, maybe another Cichorium?
Lacy with white flowers, maybe Daucus carrota? -

Whatever you have, it's likely a wildflower in IN if you have so many.

Here is a good article on what Chicory is used for, and it's health uses -

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

This is a small plant it only gets about 5 or 6" tall I'll try and get a picture today getting it sent is the problem if I get it sent it will be a miracle I've only been wanting to send pictures for about 6 yrs. now LOL They say miracles do happen :)

I do have the blue ones here I'll try and get some seeds for you I grew some seeds one year but they didn't come back and didn't reseed but it's a wild flower here go figure! I don't think the blue ones start to bloom until summer.

Southborough, MA(Zone 6a)

I suspect I don't see much Chicory in MA as compared to where I used to live in MI, as MA has relatively acidic soil, where MI has relatively alkaline soil. I say "relatively" as each garden is a little different. But I have found that to be common in both areas.

Apparently Chicory roots prefer alkaline soil. I've noticed that with other plants as well, some that did well in MI won't for the life of me grow here in MA.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

When i checked my containers today, i notice ONE Blue Delphinium !! YAY
and.... drum roll..... I have JOE PYE... i have struggled with that for yrs with no germination.

it's Gateway, which i have never had before.

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Ok, so about setting plants out? Any opinions? It's going to be no lower than 40° this week, and highs in the 60's. I've put flats out for a few hours during the day for 3 days now. The only ones showing any stress at all are the salpiglossis. Wondering at what point they can stay out overnight? I'm thinking about sowing another flat or two, at which point the bigger plants will lose their space on the light shelves. I can still bring them in overnight and just set them somewhere if it's going to freeze... Also hoping that outside will help with the fungus gnats...

Unfortunately, there appears to be another issue outside. Gave all my WS containers a bottom soak today, and saw little thrip-like bugs in the water, then noticed them in the jugs. Will they harm the seedlings? What can I do about them if they will?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Lea -- in the winter sowing forum Anita[diamond****] was asking about Purple Fountain grass, and that she had read it was sterile. I knew i got them from someone, so i looked it up and I got the seeds from you.

have you ever gotten any to return or been able to grow them from seeds??

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Oh gosh Terese did the lable look like they came from me lol I don't think I've ever grown it if I did it was a long time ago and don't remember I have one of the perennial purple grasses don't think I've ever saved seed from them I might have, maybe it was from a trade, sorry I know I'm not helping a bit! I'm looking for a list for trading for it or collecting it and it must have been on my list I lost in the Word document a while back.

Cool you got some JPW I love mine! I have the Little JPW WS :)

klstuart, our temps here are going to change I know it's not going to stay warm, not sure how yours does I wait until around the last of April and put a lot of my plants out that can take cooler weather. Sometimes I take like the violets, snaps things like that the cold doesn't hurt around the last of March, perennials maybe :)

herbsprit, maybe I should send you some of our clay soil I'd sure be glad to get rid of it! It may be a few days before I try and get a picture of the small one it'll still be around I'm sure, just busy trying to plant seeds and transplanting seedlings so I can get outside and play some before it turns cold again :) I've been at it for two days lol

My plumonaira is blooming :)

Brownstown, IN(Zone 5b)

Terese I'm butting in but I have always been led to believe that the 'Rubrum' purple fountain grass is sterile. I did get some once probably in a round robin but just sent it back on as I didn't think it would germinate. BTW I saw somewhere that you are still trying to get B and B salvia to germinate. How is that going? I remember I sent you a few seed last year but I think I saw in a post that so far you have been unsuccessful.
Just being nosy

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Ok, so violets, snaps... I'm thinking balloon flower, dianthus, most WS things that germinated early... any other cold lovers out there...?

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Veronica... be noisy all you want [its how we all learn] ... and true, the B&B last year were not successful.

this year i have them on a heat mat in a south window. I dont think i have any news yet, and my notes for that flat is downstairs.... DH has "the boys" over playing cards, so i'm up in my room playing Spider Solitaire and watching Travel Channel.

with the heat mat... i have noticed some germination, and the next day it is shriveled up. *sigh* I think one was a Transylvanica Sage.

Lea -- regarding the Purple grass... i just found your name in my spreadsheet as who i got it from. I'll have to check to see if I have the envie, or even some seeds left. I would have gotten them LAST year, `09 swap.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Sounds like you about got it :)

Hi Veronica :) I just put some B&B on a heat mat hope they do good on there I've had them germinate before but haven't done them on a heat mat :) It's only sitting on 70.

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

tcs, when did you sow your joe pye weed? I'm still waiting for mine to come up.

I have balloon flowers came up... first time I've ever got them to germinate for me :) More tomatoes today too. I've run out of ws time, so now I am spring sowing :) Oh, my peas have come up too!


Thumbnail by antsinmypants
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

mine are "Gateway" sown on 1-7-10 and germinated in 3-19-10

I've had miserable luck with then in the past, but i've never had "Gateway"
I've tried the "regular" Joe Pye, Chocolate Joe and Little JOe with no success.

One thing i was told is something about hte seeds wanting/needing to be cold for long periods. that is one reason i did these in January. With you not having much sub-32 degrees... you may have to freeze your seeds for a while. not sure, but that is what i'm guessing. But -- dont give up on them yet.

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Those flowers look lovely Ants. My daffs are blooming all over the place.
Will definitely have to de-clump in autumn.

Has anyone heard from Trinawitch? I know she was having all sorts of
trouble. Just curious.


Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Thanks tcs, I planted mine on 1-23-10, also Gateway.

Thank you Cris, those are crocus, first time I have grown them & I just love them! :)

No, I haven't heard from trinawitch either & have been wondering about her myself.


Thumbnail by antsinmypants
Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

I too have not seen a post by her in a few months.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I was wondering about trinawitch I'm getting ready to so her dwarf aster or daisy can't remember which :)

I can't believe I've had the same gateway plants for several years and not one has reseeded for me but they can be WS I hate that!

I have daphs in buds we are getting a frost sometime next week!

The only purple grass I had last year was a perennial I've only had it planted this is the third year I think:

If it's this one the seeds are probably good it's a Miscanthus and most of their seeds I think are viable. Purple Fountain grass sounds like an annual.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Lea, that sounds like Chickweed. It's edible and I think medicinal too.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

OK Lea ... you made me go down stairs and check.... good thing i guess... as i got the seeds from Tonya - nbgard.
Pennisetum setaceum says perennial, but not in my zone according to PF.

Maybe i'll just prepare and area and scatter ALL the seeds and just see what happens... I doubt anything.
Also have a full baggies from George... think it's the same thing.

I'll have to update this in my spreadsheet for further reference.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Neal, just checked the plantfiles and that chickweed looks like that annual weed that takes over my garden beds but it's not what I'm talking about these plants are individual plants the leaves are kind of lacy looking with a white flower they get about 5 or 6" tall, I'm sure you probably have some there too they are all over the place here when they go to seed they have tall stalks sort of and you touch them and they are like touch me nots they fly every where :)

I'm going to take a picture of them today and TRY and get it on here tonite LOL Joke of the year! ;P

I have a blue hellebore getting ready to boom I know I have two of these and just can't find the other one :(

Ants, love your crocus! I planted a bunch of those out front one year and that was when I was plagued with chipmunks an they went right behind me and dug them up took one bite out of each one never did see a bloom the next year after planting them all back. I should plant some more now since I have my cat outside I don't see them hardly at all now never even think of growing them anymore because of momma cat need to regroup now :)

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Yanno -- I have to say, I have found this thread fascinating.... it's a "recipe" a bunch of folks use in the Brugs forum.

I need to concoct something similar, especially since adding the Tea Tree Oil [which is a staple in my cabinet] to kill those fungus gnats.

gotta find some liquid kelp though. Everything else i should have.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Hi everyone :) I've been planting a lot of seeds (from trades, the Piggy swap, and past Cottage Garden swaps) the past few days. My light rack is filling up! We had a beautiful day here in South Jersey today - sunny and 70 deg. :)

Some of my plantings:

Dillweed (HealthBarn USA)
Italian Dandelion Chicoriumintybus Magdeburgh
Ace of Spades Scabiosa
Tarahumara CHIA
Yvonne’s Salvia
Garden Cress Wrinkled Crinkled Crumpled, Lepidium sativum
Round purple peppers (Critter)
Catnip, Nepeta cataria (Critter)
Basil Italian (Critter)
Purple variegated peppers (Critter)
Red Salvia, Lady in Red
Hollyhock Peaches n Dreams
Salvia Coral Nymph
Ladybells Adenophora (Illoquin)
Tomato, commercial seed - Atkinson
Pak Choi Violetto
Cherry Tomatoes
Peppers Sweet Banana
White Japanese MG
Kung Pao Hybrid pepper
Jamaican Hot Chocolate peppers
Nicotiana Fragrant Cloud (Chantel)
Purple Majesty Millet
Will Goodwin Clematis
Brandywine Tomatoes
Allium aflatunense purple sensation (Wrightie)
Phlox maculata Everwilde comm. Seed (Illoquin)
Anise Seed
Salvia splendens ‘vista purple’ (Lynn Weidman)
Italian Parsley (Ansonfan)
Allium Schubertii (Fairy)
Italian large leaf basil
Alaskan Chocolate Lily Fritillaria camschatcensis
Yellow snaps
Chiltepin Peppers
Bing Cherry
Nicotiana: dusty rose, lavender, white
Marigold Naughty Marietta

Thumbnail by wind

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