Seed Swap & Chat # 54 sowing and growing

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

We came from here....

Thumbnail by tcs1366
Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Aw Terese so sorry about the EB! I have another one up that makes five :) So don't have to keep the seed tray in the freezer I'd just put it in the fridge for two weeks, I kept mine in the cheese keeper lol Welcome back I missed you! Now you gotta get back to work and plant more seeds no rest for you now lol

Toofew, have one midnight petunia coming up so far yay!

New Braunfels, TX(Zone 8b)

A belated thanks for the birthday wishes last week. I haven't had a chance to get on here in a while. Sounds like everyone's staying pletny busy with their seeds and having fun!


Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Cris!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awwwwwwwwwwwwww a baby possum. That is why it is eating in companionship with the kitties.

If you go to the wildlife forum, Look for the story on the racoons. You will find that several folks have possums feeding with their kitties and pics showing them together too.

Glad ya back Tcs!!!!!!!! : ) Did ya have a fun time?

For I forget. I have a bunch of annual dianthus that had stretched a tiny bit, but not to much but I have to transplant them and they a little floppy, do any of you bury your dianthus up to the base of the leaves?

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I had a bunch of impatiens that came up over night and looked like they were stretching for the light too! Of course I had the lights about four inches off of the seed trays on the heat mat. I don't recall my dianthus stretching but I would probably plant them real close to the leaves Ella. That reminds me I need to get some of mine going that I collected off of the ones you sent last year those were so pretty!

A good friend of mine on here that I trade with is sending me some of those red dianthus 'Crimsonia' to grow out for her have you seen those they are different.

Did you get any of those Ella?

Would anyone happen to have some seeds from gaillardia Amber Wheels, I had some plants out back in my middle bed that the weeds took over and I'm wondering if they will be back I hope the weeds didn't kill them out last year but I want to grow some just in case :) I never did get to see a bloom on them last year was their second year too!

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

LOL Lea,
Those are beautiful haven't ever had any of those but bet they pretty. Do they come back in your area??

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Trying to find where someone posted that there Gazina kiss mix came up ?? Know I saw some where was wondering how they planted cause had no show on mine. If anyone knows please let me know.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Carolyn I did a search on it a few pages back and didn't find it about the Gazina seeds but my search thing isn't working right now for some reason looked like it was but wouldn't search sorry :) Are you sure it wasn't on the 'other' garding forum :)

I think the hardy zones are 3-8 so they should be hardy in your area if I get seeds from them this year I'll put you on the 'list' :) Dianthus are so hard for me to get the seeds from the ones I got from Ella last year were anyway but I'll try :)

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

I too am having some plants stretching & I end up putting it in a larger
pot and burying the plant deeper. Its recommended for tomatoes as
it will make a stronger root so figured it would work for other plants.

I have a couple of packages of Galliarda that I probably won't plant.
Not sure what they are but you are welcome to them. On another
note is it you that I promised the butterfly bush cuttings to?

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks Cris :) I'm only looking for amber wheels.

Nope it wasn't me on the cuttings maybe it should be what are they :)) Really I have enough going on for this year lol

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Thanks for looking and I think now that you said it , it is on one of the forums at Ella's Garden lol I am gonna have to start writing notes to myself to keep up which one I read my info at.
We have had beautiful weather last couple days but still cold at night, Hope your getting some of them also. Have a few Daff's blooming was surprised my flower picking great grand didn't spot today HaHa.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I know it's too confusing what you aid where that's why I don't like to be on two forums lol I can't believe she/he? forgive me I forget :) can't believe it either lol

It's been beautiful for about three days but think it's going to rain tomorrow my neighbor is coming over and I want to do some jugs guess I'm just going to have to do them anyway the last time she was over I put off doing them then didn't get them done lol

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Guess what popped up today ... Penstemon Chocolate Drop!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

No it didn't I've been trying to grow that one for years I finally gave up! You gotta tell me how you did it!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Toofew get back here and tell me how you did it I'm stomping my foot!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

It's really warming up out there! Nothing yet in my WS containers... LOL, still have some seeds I'd like to WS, guess it will be spring sowing now! I'm going to try to do more direct seeding this spring, also.

I did finally get a few things downstairs on the heat mat, under the lights... 11 kinds of basil, and I think 9 have sprouted already since Friday! (Clove Basil and Purple Ruffles are the slow ones.) The peppers will probably take a bit longer, petunias look like they might be starting... :-)

I was surprised to see sprouts on the Vinca already... That's one you're supposed to cover (germinates better in the dark, I put a piece of foil loosely on top of the container), and the packet said it would sprout in I think 10 to 14 days... well, it germinated in just 3 days, so if you have anything covered like that, be sure to check it often, especially if it's in a nice warm spot!

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Critter, be sure to tell us when you start your peppers!

LeBug, that message was directed at you. lol
I put the dry seeds in the freezer for 24 hours, then planted, put in plastic bag in the refrigerator for 3 weeks, out at basement room temp (60) still in plastic bag. I believe it was about a week before I saw germination.

Now just tell me how to get my monkshood to germinate ... nothing is working there.

Sorry, I didn't get back last night ... I'm in bed usually no later than 9pm.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

I just knew that toofew lol Well that was a long time to stomp my foot it's tired lol

Sorry I've never tried to germinate Monk's Hood but I read somewhere to try putting them in ice cubes and that's what I've done then the next time it snows I'm throwing them out I just wonder if it will be next year before they germinate I sure hope not!

I sent for some vines the other day and oh boy the instructions on them these are perennial vines I just know I won't have any to germinate and there are about four of them and they are so pretty!

I went to bed at 2:30 lol Had to get some jugs ready to put out today it's suppose to rain.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I sowed hot peppers on Friday and sweet peppers yesterday (we were away this past weekend). They usually sprout up pretty fast on the heat mat... before I used the mat, they took 10 to 14 days to germinate, and now they're usually ready to transplant by day 14.

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks critter, I will get mine planted by the 15th then.

I'm loving this 50+degree weather!!

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Toofew.... Lucky you with the Chocolate Drops. : ) Way to go!

Oh wow... I forgot all about my monkshood in the freezer. Glad they got mentioned or mine would be in there til next year.

Thanks Cris... I'll go ahead and bury them up to the leaves. I hate floppy plants.

I've had Vinca up for a month at least and transplanted them, but darn things are just sitting there looking at me stupid. They haven't grown one little bit. If they don't get with the program soon they gonna get pulled and trashed.

Just got my eggplants transplanted. Now it tiem to start cucumber seeds.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

My annual ice plants were reaching out of the dirt and I didn't want to transplant them because there were ones coming up next to them today I transplanted them and all the way to the leaves I hope I did good on that one, I'm going to like these plants I can see that already :)

Simpsonville, SC(Zone 7b)

Carolyn, I have Gazania, finally! I covered them with dark paper (usually I use plastic, but I wanted to try this) They were taking forever, and finally one popped up. I figured that might be all I got, so I removed the dark covers (they were looking a little fuzzy) an about 2 weeks later, I have 5 out of 6! Not sure whether they prefer the light after all, or it just took them that long...

I'm having a lot of damping off problems this year. Strange, since I never have before. I'm using the Fafard 3B mix, and it seems a lot heavier than the seed starting mix I used last year (it was also a lot cheaper, being available in a giant bag instead of those little 8qt bags) I sterilized the soil, and sterilized the containers. I also have a LOT of gnats... I suppose it could be them eating the roots instead of damping off... can you tell the difference?

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Anyone have a wig? I'm going to pull my hair out!
Yesterday was the first really nice day we've had so the windows
got opened to air the house out.
All the indoor seedlings went 'out' for the day including the
lisianthus I've been babying like crazy since January.

Everyone else loved the sun and some seemed to say -
ahhh this is the real thing & not grow lights - but not those
finicky buggers. Out of the flat of 72 only a dozen or so had
green leaves anyway but they ALL died - every last one of them!

I'm so disheartened by this. For 5 years I've tried to grow it
from seed & never successful. So if anyone sees lisianthus
Plants for sale as you cruise the web please let me know.

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

I lost all my Lisianthus to damp off too- have more seeds to try, but at this point it will be August before I see a bloom!

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Aw Neal & Cris that's awful I'm sorry! I've got 28 going lost three but that was do to not keeping them watered!

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Sure glad to hear you where able to get some Gazania going , I am going to try again, and I have been losing more plants than I normally do , Don't know if it's me the starter or wrong lighting and have some damping off haven't had that before.
Should have done my anneuls by now but haven't .Life keeps getting in the way lol.
so far my tomatoes look good just hope they hold on till can put out, think I jumped the gun on them.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

How tall are your tomatoes Carolyn?

When did you plant them I don't even have mine started yet :)

This message was edited Mar 10, 2010 12:02 PM

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Don't remenber when planted not that long ago already transplanted once scared may have to do again since put them in 6 packs they are probaly about 6 to 8 inchs tall now , they are really growing . My squash about as tall know should have waited and just put the seeds in ground on them But wanted to start early so my bad At least got plenty more seed thought my bell peppers wheren't gonna show there heads but they are coming along and I already planted more lol. But my grands love to eat them raw with ranch dressing .

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks Carolyn I'm just wondering when I should plant mine I'm always planting them too early!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

TOMATOES: start seeds 6 to 8 weeks before planting them out into the garden (Dr. Carolyn starts them this late, and I've had the best luck following her method)

PEPPERS: I like to give them a 10 to12 week head start, but I plant them out at least 2 weeks after tomatoes. (Memorial Day here is when the ground warms up enough... they won't die as long as they don't freeze, but if you plant them out into cold soil they'll just sulk.)

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

I winter sowed Monkshood January 23rd & first ones sprouted today! :) I also direct sowed some into a flower pot outside... No sprouts there yet.
I also have sprouts from Rhubarb, Primula japonica, Larkspur, Jeruselem artichoke, can't remember what else right now...

I think I got rid of the fungus gnats with minimal loss of seedlings. I let the soil dry out to where I was actually worried about them dying from lack of water, then I brought them outside & put them in the shade for about 8 hours. I misted them with h2o2 just enough to see that the soil was wet & put them back under the lights for the night. Then I put them back outside the next day for another 8 hours. I should have misted them again first because I lost a few in each containter. It rained the next day & today, so I haven't brought them back out yet, but haven't seen anymore of the fungus gnats.

I am afraid I am going to lose my wildepretti though. It's been happy up until yesterday :( I'm going to try transplanting up to a larger container & see if that helps. I'd put it outside, but supposed to get hail tonight :( Have to move all of my ws containers too because I only have plastic wrap covering them & have waited for these plants too long to lose them to hail!

Spring is almost here! Yay!


Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Critter I won't be able to plant mine out until about the middle of May we still get frost/freeze or the last two years we have so I don't trust it :) It never fails I plant the tomatoes and they are fighting the lights before I can get them out lol They stick together so bad but of course I'm always planting a ton of them for the neighbors and me too. Guess I should go ahead and get my peppers started they do grow a little slower seems like they take longer to come up too don't they. Soon as I get my peppers to going I'll go ahead and do the tomatoes thanks!

Man it was beautiful out today hope it was pretty for you all! Ants sorry you're getting hail tonite this weather this time of the year is so strange sometimes I know we will get some snow before March is over.

My front yard looks so bare now I even cut my grasses back today yay!

Neal I have larkspur babies :) They are just further out than where they were planted but still not as many seedlings as there should be for not taking any seeds off of them this year :(

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Lea, I kinda think harvesting the seeds from the Larkspur (and in doing so, spilling lots from the pods all over the ground), resulted in more seedlings for me. I've got wayyyyy more than previous years when I didn't harvest them.

Greenville, IN(Zone 6a)

Sounds like they probably spread around more too. I cleaned that space out today think I'll try and get some more to put in there :) Where the they are coming up now they will probably hang over the timber there then they won't reseed where they are I weed on the other side of the timber, well when I can get out and clean up anyway lol

Trenton, MI(Zone 5b)

So Neal and Lea, are you telling me its time to direct sow my Larkspur seeds?
I'm beginning to run out of space in the basement.

Got one of my peppers sown last night ... Big Red - sweet red pepper.

Can you tell I can't sleep tonight, even took 2 Advil PM's (with sleep aid). Slept for 2 hours, then wide awake. Good thing I'm off work tomorrow ... I mean today. lol

Winchester, KY(Zone 6a)

Yep, toofew, Larkspurs are best direct sown when its still cold/cool out. I've found September/October and March to be the best times.

Leesburg, FL(Zone 9b)

Hmmmmm -- i'll have to see if i still have seeds.

Seale, AL(Zone 8b)

Ahhhhhh. Cris... you need some more Lisianthus seed. I still have a little bit.

The fungus gnats are terrible this year and think it due to do much rain. You can open a brand new bag of soil from store and eggs be in there just waiting to hatch. If a bag has any even tiny air hole sin it or been outside at all, it is going to have them in it and as soon as you open a bag in the house even if it was totally sealed, if you have one get in you'll have them in it too.

I'm having a terrible time with Gazania too. Having fits this year with lots of things. My little Ageratum Red is loaded with blooms and the plants so tiny yet. LOL

Marietta, MS(Zone 7b)

Last night my kitty Socks came in with his mouth all bloody. He wouldn't let me look at it real well, but it looked pretty superficial to me. This morning I looked better & saw that he had split one of his canines. Took him to the vet & found that he had broken BOTH of his canines. As far as I can figure, I'm thinking he did a face plant from the tree into the bricks in my garden. Anyways, all the vet could do was give him a couple shots. He said we COULD take him to MS State & have them do root canals & put caps on his teeth. I didn't even ASK what THAT would cost! So, turns out I could have just given him some antibiotics (which I had left over from the last cat who didn't really need to go) & save myself $80.00. Oh well...

I never saw any signs of hail last night. Glad they were wrong about that. I did rain pretty well, but all seedlings are looking good. Walked around the yard & see Daylilies, Tulips, Daff's, Garlic & Onions sprouting... Crocus are blooming :) Signs of life on Forsythia, Spirea, Pear trees, etc... Too warm out for a sweat shirt today.

LOTS of spring clean up to do out there now that winter is over & I can see!


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